This course ended here. The next four chapters of the book MMT13, to MMT16 are covered in Advanced Macro II, see lectures AM02 MMT13, AM03 MMT14 and so on.

1: Current data on Pakistan shows that the inflation rate is around 7% and rising, and the output gap is negative -- that is, output is greater than potential output. According to the NAIRU conceptual framework, explain why we should pursue tight monetary policy and contractionary fiscal policy.

2. Explain the concept of the unemployment buffer stock, and how it is used to control inflation.

3. Use the Indian and Argentinian experience to discuss some essential elements which are required for the success of a Job Guarantee Program.

Talk on MMT at SBP on 7 Jan 2020 - 4-Job Guarantee - post discusses the Job Guarantee program and links to this page also

MMT12 Full Employment and Job Guarantees - Chapter 12 of Modern Monetary Theory text by Mitchell Wray and Watts

Employment for All - WEA Pedagogy Blog -- (Dawn)