Mentee Guidelines 

Mentors are graduate students who volunteered to help you by answering your questions about the math program and student life at Purdue. To make the best of this opportunity, you should plan on regularly communicating with your mentor. The period of mentoring is the Spring semester and Summer semester (before your first year) and the Fall semester of your first year. Once you request a mentor, we will provide you with contact information so you can start sending emails before you arrive at Purdue. Here are a few suggestions to help you:

1. The most important part of the mentor/mentee match is regular contact. Not every contact has to be a long email, but the main idea is to stay connected.

2. Sometimes you might be unsure about questions to ask. It's OK, that's why you have a mentor. You can tell your mentor you want to know about a certain topic, but don't know what questions to ask about it. They can help you by suggesting directions.

3. Ask your mentor about herself or himself. Tell your mentor about yourself. This information will certainly help as you discuss certain topics.

4. Please remember that mentors are also students who will try to answer your questions as much as they possibly can. They might also refer you to the proper resources in case they don't know much about the issue.