AWM Purdue Chapter 

@ JMM 2025

For the first time in our chapter's history, we, Asini Konpola, Daniel Tolosa, Sofía Martínez, and Yiran Wang, will be hosting/organizing a session at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Seattle, WA.

The name of our session is "AWM Purdue Chapter: Over a Decade of Empowering Women in Math" and it will be held January 8th. The session will consist of two subsessions: one from 8-12 and the other 1-5. 

Purspose of the Session:

The AWM Purdue Chapter was founded in 2011 to support the advancement of women in mathematics, enhance professional development, and foster a strong network within the mathematics community. As we continue to work towards these objectives, we want to celebrate the impact that the chapter has had over the years, acknowledge the accomplishments and struggles of our members, and create a space to connect with our community.

The speakers’ talks will highlight their remarkable work as well as their professional journeys, serving as an inspiration for current and prospective students. The session will  showcase diversity in mathematical content and in speakers. The session also invites faculty, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduate students and industry experts to engage with one another. To ensure the convergence of mathematicians with different expertise, we have a breadth of research topics ranging from data science and mathematics education to pure, applied, and computational mathematics. Our goal is for this session to serve as a platform for intersections and exchanges across disciplines, methods, and points of view.

Community Guidelines: 

We will uphold the Community Guidelines given by the JMM as well as the ones below. 

The primary mission of these sessions is to showcase the excellent research conducted by gender-minorities who have been affiliated to Purdue University.  The organizers are committed to creating a professional and welcoming environment that benefits from the diversity of experiences of all participants. We aim to offer the same respect, opportunity and value to the contributions of every participant regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, or veteran status. We ask you to contribute to this positive environment, and to use extra care to ensure that your words and actions communicate respect for others. Discriminatory or harassing behavior undermines the mission of the symposium and therefore will not be tolerated. The organizers will make every effort to maintain an environment that is free of harassment, even though we do not control the behavior of third parties. If any participant feels uncomfortable with the way they are being treated or has concerns, please contact us via email. 

Acknowledgement: This agreement is based on similar agreements by LatMath, The Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria (ECCO), the American Mathematical Society, the Association for Women in Mathematics, and the Mathematical Association of America.
