Looking for Math Conferences?

Post date: Oct 13, 2009 12:35:55 AM

Then join us this Wednesday, October 7, 2014 at 2pm!AWM is having an informal meeting to look at the different math conferences and workshops coming up. We're hoping to come up with ta list of conferences to which we can attend as a group or individually. We'll also be looking at the funding opportunities that there are to attend these conferences. We'll be meeting at the math computer lab, or testing center. We hope to see you there!

Update: We have made a tentative list of conferences we will be attending together:

  • Social dynamics conference, Philadelphia (applied math)

  • AMS Eastern Spring Sectional, Georgetown March 7-8

  • AWM Research Symposium April 11-12

  • SIAM conferences at GMU

We will be circulating a sign-up sheet for those who are interested.