Student Activities Forms
See the documents attached below for explanations and samples for how to fill out the following forms:
Purchase Orders
The last form on this page will explain all of the ways your club can use a Purchase Order.
Fundraiser Request Forms
Each club is required to have four fundraisers per year, so one per quarter. These forms will help you secure an item for the fundraiser and make it known to ASB that you are holding a fundraiser.
Tally Sheets
When you sell an item (while fundraising) you need to keep track of the amount you sell, and this form will help tally all of the items that you have sold.
Meeting Minutes
Used to track when you have meetings, and what you discuss. This form is attached on the main club page.
Video Examples of How to Fill Out Forms
How To: Cash Box
How To: Petty Cash
How To: Reimbursement
*All forms must be turned in at least a week in advance.
These forms should be turned in to the Activities Office.
For special circumstances, please email Mr. Weber, the Leadership Advisor. If you have any questions on any of the forms, please contact Sam Montoya, the ASB Vice President/Club Coordinator, at
*Please Note: All examples used below are fictional and for demonstration purposes only.