Articles I think are great/insightful

Learn stats--the ability to understand data [will] be the most powerful skill in the twenty-first century

Challenger accident

Who Goes to College and Who does not?

Higher Education & Income Inequality

Why is College so expensive?

Even some Business schools don't teach what they should

The only thing more expensive then going to college is NOT going to college (part 2)

Negroes & The Gun

college costs alot of money

Costs of College keep rising

MOOC's are great, but only certain people do them

Why failure is so good!!!

being one of the first women at MIT for Computer Science

Associative Mating and America

College regrets, my regret? Not doing Study Abroad

Need more helicopter parents, say what?

American High Schools kind of suck

Texas has good information on public college life outcomes related to colleges

Big Brother-tracking everyone always and forever

Princeton Mom, Really? people listen to this 'advice'?

Let's Be Honest, College today is expenseive as hell, Fo' Reals!

Student Loan Debt load graphs, come get your nerd on!!!

Student Loan debt 'Worrisome...Worrisome', duh

College Grads suck, only college administrators think otherwise

You know that shortage of STEM students? Yeah, Not true

Admissions Process are horrible---this from a former Admissions Counselor

Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM!!! Get the Money Dolla Dolla Bills Y'all!

The only thing more expensive then going to college is NOT going to college (part 1)

Creativity as academic discipline

Texas A&M wants you to Study Abroad, so DO IT!

Study Abroad equals better job prospects

This girl just beat you for an Internship #FACT

Mental Health on college campuses...MeltdownU

How much should you degree cost? Why is it more expensive?

testing out of college an insight into how that could work

Guess what, the government is FUCKING horrible at knowing if your job is related to what you studied in school aka 'Your major"

Colleges have set the bar really high for success measures (sarcasm). The goal is nobody moves home to mom & dad's house after graduation

Millenials kind of suck at this whole technology thing, you know who already knew that. Every Professor ever!

Alien, Sigourney Weaver, and academic research regarding movies

Do you know what you are getting into by majoring in Science as in Biology, Genetics, Chemistry, Bio-Medical Science? Do you really?

cover letter advice for entry level jobs

Young Teens on LinkedIn, as a networking tool for adult careers

Post-College Test of skills/ a super SAT

Go-nowhere generation

Insight on how 2008 grads got jobs

What is an Internship

Going to grad school can be a better option than job market right now, so if you have a funded position take advantage.

Does your field have a certificate program? Should you do it? Maybe

Yes, we know that Generation Y got fucked over. So, what action can you take now to improve it?

13 tips for college grads who have moved back home. It is okay to feel bad about the situation (like a failure), but it not okay to not try to reverse/improve the situation

GRE score breakdown by major, Philosophy blows everyone outta the water. How is that for a 'useless' major

DON'T bring you parents to work.

Millenials have the power to transform America....Boom (indeed)

Should you select a major based upon salary projections?

Memorizing Shit is the worst learning system there is, except for Not memorizing


"The American Way of Life is a blessed one"- Ari Fleischer. Is it?

The Simpsons movie references part 1

The Simpsons movie references part deux

That's the beauty of college these can major in Gameboy if you know how to Bullshit. (PCU is a very underrated college movie)

Computer may someday replace doctors

take advantage of career prep planning that A&M offers, again for the love of god take advantage. It is free as long as you don't consider what you have paid in tuition to be a part of the cost.

Risk and challenges are important for playgrounds

Texas on the Brink 2013

Texas on the Brink, Where does Texas rank amongst the 50 states in quality of life datapoints

Do E-Portfolio Get Job, Yes, it can be that easy.

Job search advice from NYU Director of Career Services

So being good at math can save a company (In this case UPS) Millions, if not Billions of dollars. That is sorta cool, just saying.

College is not High School, shocking that some people don't know this already

Hobo meals are amazing and easy to make

Esquire's list of books to read, if you are a dude, but really anyone should read these

maps of student loan information. Who is behind on payments & who has the most to payback

Student loans forgiven, data points

should everyone go to college?

A rival to the Rhodes Scholarship? It focuses on China (which from a outlook into the 21st century is a pretty good bet)

Bureau of Labor and Statistics report on college into work/career

The figure 2.1 is a good reason more math in high school better prepares students for college

As a savy consumer in 21st century America, you should know how important credit is.

short film on student debt..."The Red"

Analyze the Return on the Investment of your college experience?

Do you feel entitled? Are you willing to put forth the work required to achieve your goals?

Again, stay in school kids. Because there are no jobs for college dropouts. Harsh, but true

I love PBR Tallboys. That says more about me than words ever dream they could

On the one hand, we millenial are amazing, on the other we have to get over the need to tell everyone else just how "FUCKING AMAZING" we are

write by is why

bad news for the future economy-productivity does not lead to income gains

Life Money lessons from Monopoly

Not gonna lie, I let my 7 year old daughter play with the Ipad a bit too much

If you want to be an amazing employee start with these tips

Diploma gap between rich and poor

1980s Reagan's America wrapped up in movie form

Importance of Education for the changing face of America

I wish I would have had playgrounds like this. Dear God they are awesome

Does College get you ready for the real world? Take Risks in College

To (all) the Colleges that rejected me

Department of Defense-National Defense Science/Engineering Graduate Fellowship

National Science Foundation-Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Federal Student Loan Programs-Income Based Repayment Federal Income Tax impact. Good News, proposed to be eliminated by President Obama

If you are reading this article, your kid probably doesn’t need preschool.

Class divides in Higher Education results/outcomes

The secret to college completion is being from a rich background

Sending signals via College attendance

Permanent+intern= "Permaterns". Nobody should be an intern after 6 months of that grunt work

How hard is it to have a job....truth is "It depends"

there is no spoon...student loan version

Young College grads are unemployed. SUCK IT KIDS!

Young millenials are getting the hose in this economy

The Next America: Demographics Shaping the National Agenda

Which college students should pay the most for their degree? Engineers or History?

Lessons for Life from Anthony Bourdain. travel, a warming pint, context. Sounds good to me.

Helicopter Parents as a symptom & exasperator of income inequality & associative mating patterns

You are not entitled to an opinion. You are only entitled to what you can argue and defend

A college degree is the best investment you will ever make. If you have the degree! That is the part that matters.

American students can't write, the debate. Is this true? How do A&M students fit into their paradigm?

cheap college is a thing of the past

marriage & caste system

Daria 1997-2002

Texas future is not so hot, because of dropouts

This is basically How I got a job, making connections between what I studied and how to relate to people

crisis in america

If you are born in the USA, you are a citizen period

Military=jobs Program

Because you totally can treat people who have not been charged with a crime as though they have been convicted. That's American

Hemingway, nuff said

Good Study Habits...are different for every person

Instead of a war on poverty, we got...


cops don't like being watched, it keeps them from being able to do shady stuff

You should be ashamed

Being smart pays...more now than ever

Teen Pregnancy


Prisons=disguised job programs for those without college degrees

The USA is an insurance company with a big kick-ass army

Since I am 1 course away from a minor in Classics, these are all really funny to me.

CHARTS!!! because charts are great! Financial inequality

The Simpsons is the basis for all of my humor and reference points of my early childhood

My start in Student Affairs

Are you a sucker for being here in College? Are you?

slavery and the uncleansed stain that lingers onward

prescription drugs are much more a threat than explict drugs.

This is why people over 30 think people under 30 are stupid. And in some respects they are correct

Child bearing data-sets. Interesting

Does this describe Texas A&M? If you know the A&M stats then yes, it does. A land-grant, state University with only 18% of student receiving any Pell grant. The evil school in Austin has 24% of the students on Pell grants.

Cherry County in Nebraska is the size of New Jersey, but nobody lives there.


You don't know what to read, here take a gander

My instructor from Nebraska, who was a Special Forces member in the US Army, wrote this Political Science paper. Awesome.

Hey Engineers!

More Schooling=drinky, drinky

Income Inequality is bad, dare I say cancerous

As a bi-racial half black & half white person in the USA, whose daughter is 70% German with greenish eyes, curly brown hair, and olive skin. I like this, I really do. Go America!

Texas A&M Demographic datasets on students

We pay more for prisons, than it costs to go to Princeton for a year. WOW!

Have fun in college, it goes fast.

You would never even want to read the reams of data Facebook has on you, would you?

What Western Civilization has gotten correct, so far.

Who likes Federal Income Tax policy? THIS DUDE!!

Test scores of different majors...PE teachers, not so great


Africa rising, weird to say, and weirder to ponder upon the ramifications for the world's future

Hooray! America schools don't teach proper writing mechanics/form/structure. That can't hurt us, who needs to communicate via the written word anyway!

Here is the way to cite a tweet according to MLA style guide

I wonder when Skynet will become self-aware


Dear Engineers, MATH=USELESS in real life #fact

The war against Millenials, be prepared

My first professor in College, Dr. Tom Winter for Classical Mythology, Epic of Gilgamesh was awesome!

Colbert Report on College

Online Education, Good?

E-mails never lie, remember that, document stuff

NWA was right about the police


Number 7 is spot on, they want what is best, but they do not knot what that is. Only you can find that out.

Because Nobel prize in Economics winning Sci-Fi super fan is awesome

But really, what has Mississippi ever done for the country?

We're Number 1, We're Number 1, as in Texas leads the country in this percentage.

Only really nerdy Pre-Law & Law students will get this joke. I am calling it the tweet of the century.

Where do Americans without health insurance as a percentage of the population live?

So, how do numbers work?

The Opportunity Gap via the NYTIMES OP-ED pages

I'm so excited.....I'm SO SCARED!!!

Scholarly research about Uncle Tom's Cabin

READ A BOOK, here are 88 suggestions. I think I have an amazing case for Uncle Tom's Cabin being the MOST important book in US History. Ask me!!!!

You want to know what is worse than the current student loan system? This right here.

My first an Admissions Counselor for my Alma Mater

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU! And by Big Brother, I mean your college/University, enjoy!

Who likes Uncle Sam debt graphs? The answer is only Econ & Poli Sci majors, thats who.

Study Abroad, No, Seriously, just do it!

Futurama is awesome, need I say anything more?

You know how many of my family came with me to college. That's right, zero. You are 18, act like it.


What is the first item on the list you remember? My first is the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. I was 5 years old in my grandparents basement.

College as a Caste System in the United States