'Atlantic Hazel - Scotland's Special Woodlands book launched!

Post date: 15-Feb-2013 17:03:41

AHAG proudly published Sandy and Brian's new book in 2012. The book is beautifully illustrated and takes you through the story of why we think Atlantic Hazel is so special.

Available from NHBS online book store or directly from the Atlantic Hazel Action Group.

British Wildlife Review:

"As George Peterken says in his foreword, this book aims to change the way you think about Hazel woods. It is the product of many years of exploration of Scotland's Atlantic hazelwoods by the authors, both leading lights of British lichenology for many years, and, of course, Sandy is also a regular contributor to British Wildlife. The key message of this copiously illustrated book is that the Atlantic woods of Scotland, parts of western Ireland and possibly a few isolated valleys in Wales, are some of our most ancient woodlands. They have a unique epiphytic assemblage of lichens, fungi and bryophytes of international importance. Indeed, some of the lichens appear to be endemic to these woodlands. Despite all these riches, many people consider Hazel to be an understorey shrub that needs to be coppiced to survive. Applying this type of thinking to these woods could be disastrous, and the book clearly sets ou out the most appropriate management techniques that will preserve and enhance these habitats. Required reading for anyone interested in our woodlands"

Andrew Branson, British Wildlife Volume 23(6), August 2012