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OR view the written expination of each pattern
at the bottomof this page, constructed by Instructor Dave
Basic 10 moves - White belt to white with red stripe (2xPunch, 2x Low Block, 2x Inward Block, 2x High Block, 2x Punch, Kee-up)
Basic Pattern (first 8 moves)- Red Stripe to white with blue stripe
Basic Pattern (All 20 moves) - White with blue stripe to white with green stripe
Taeguk 1 - White with green stripe to white with yellow stripe (first 10 moves)
Taeguk 1 - White belt with yellow stripe to solid yellow belt (whole pattern)
Taeguk 2 - Solid yellow belt to yellow belt with green stripe
Taeguk 3 - Yellow belt with green stripe to solid green belt
Taeguk 4 - Solid green belt to green belt with blue stripe
Taeguk 5 - Green belt with blue stripe to solid blue belt
Taeguk 6 - Solid blue belt to blue belt with red stripe
Taeguk 7 - Blue belt with red stripe to solid red belt
Taeguk 8 - solid red to red belt with black stripe
Koryo - Red belt with black stripe to 1st Dan black belt (Back View)
Keumgang - 1st Dan black belt to 2nd Dan black belt (Back View)
Taebek - 2nd Dan Black Belt to 3rd Dan Black Belt (Back View)
Pyongwon - 3rd Dan Black Belt to Master 4th Dan Black Belt (Back View)
5 Tenants of Taekwondo
Courtesy - Enduring respect for and consideration of self and others. Politeness and humbleness.
Integrity - Steadfast adherence to a strict moral and ethical code. Honesty and Loyalty.
Perseverance - To persist in an endeavor or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition or discouragement. Dedication.
Self-Control - The ability of a person to exert their will over the inhibitions, emotions or desires of their body of self. Patience and discipline.
Indomitable Spirit - Having the right attitude and maintaining inner strength regardless of winning of losing. Not allowing one's principles to be broken, defeated, or conquered. Bravery and Courage