About John Cowens


Since 2018 Astronomer in Residence - Oregon State University's Space Grant Consortium

2006 •National Science Columnist of the Year - Teaching K-8 magazine

Since ‘97 •Oregon’s Ambassador to Solar System - N.A.S.A. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. (conduct astronomy presentations and star parties for schools, museums, and various organizations throughout Oregon and Washington

1994 •International Space Camp -Huntsville, Alab (Alternate-Oregon Teacher of the Year)1

1993 •Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Science. Washington, D.C.

1992 •American Electronics Association's Elementary Science Teacher of the Year. Portland, OR.

1992 •Chamber of Commerce Union County Educator of the Year. La Grande, OR.

1991 •Oregon's Science Teacher of the Year for Region #7, (OSTA). Salem, OR.

1990 •Runner-up - Oregon Teacher of the Year. Salem, Oregon.

1988 •Teacher of the Year - Phi Delta Kappa. La Grande, OR.

1987 •Virgil Bolen Outstanding Elementary Science Teacher Award. Eastern Oregon State College, La Grande, OR.

1987 •Outstanding Educator Award - Wawasee High School. Syracuse, IN

1982 •State of Indiana Award - Dept. of Public Instruction, "National Energy Education Day." Indianapolis, IN. 1982 •State of Indiana award - 1st place - Indiana Wildlife Federation, Inc., Indianapolis, IN.


Workshop Presenter:

2008-2010 *Presenter - Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum B (McMinnville, OR) - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, History of the Hubble Space Telescope, and conducted Star Parties

Since “02 •Senior Outreach Specialist, Cassini Program - Presented information at schools and communities about the Cassini Project to Saturn.

Since ‘97 •Ambassador to the Solar System Science Presenter (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory). Presented newest NASA/JPL information at school assemblies, museums, and various organizations .

1991 - 93 •National Science Coordinator/Author - Teaching K-8. Norwalk, CT.

1992 - 95 •Presenter - N.S.T.A. National Diffusion Network - Informal Science Study (Toys in Space), Boston, MA.

1991 - 92 •Physics instructor. Eastern Oregon State College Summer Science Camp ( gr. 3 - 6) La Grande, OR.

1990 - 95 •Northwest Regional Director - “Technological Applications for Education Leadership.” La Grande, OR

1987 - 95 •NDN Trainer - "Informal Science Study." Longmont, CO.

1987-88 •Science Instructor w/E.O.S.C. professors, "Science Teaching Enrichment." Eastern Oregon State College, La Grande, OR.

Since 1978 •Homemade Model Rocketry Instructor