Adaptive Homework

This study is half way done. The first homework has been delivered.

We will next switch conditions for the students and deliver the new homework.


The control group received correctness feedback on their work.


The experiment homework was designed with targeted feedback and adaptively. This included automated recurrence of isomorphic problems. As well as direct support following incorrect answers.

This image shows just one form of feedback that a student would get. This is feedback in response to the answer 25.

Here is another example of feedback given in response to a wrong answer. Also note the last problem is an isomorphic question, allowing the student to demonstrate that they understood. In other words they get to do a ReDo. Students who get the original problem correct do not have to do the ReDo.

Click on the image to test drive the problem.

Click here to try the Adaptive problem set

Clicking on the link above will allow you to experience this study from the student's perspective. You will be randomly assigned to either the control or experimental conditions. Follow the link multiple times or refresh the preview page to experience each condition.

This is a AERA poster on the design of this study. The data is not yet analyzed.

Pellegrino, J., Goldman, S., Soffer-Goldstein, D., Stoelinga, T., Heffernan, N., & Heffernan, C. (2014) Technology Enabled Assessment:Adapting to the Needs of Students and Teachers. American Educational Research Association (AERA 2014) Conference.