Creative Writing


Published in 2009 by Tranquebar Press, études is a collection of 72 pieces of short fiction (and I mean short--the longest piece in the book is 12 pages long, several are barely a page) connected by no theme, style, or motif, except a compulsion to write and a willingness to try anything once. The epigraph to the book (a quote from Paul Valery) reads "I can't help it, everything interests me", which pretty much sums it up.

études is whimsical and playful, occasionally lyrical, intermittently surreal, veers wildly between being lost in its own reverberating head and trying much too hard to please, and is a book of which I am deeply, unashamedly proud, but that I cannot bear to read again. You, however, can find a copy on Amazon, should you so desire, or read more about it by going to the études site.

other writing

I am currently procrastinating over a second book of short pieces, some early selections from which have appeared in The Caravan, Tehelka, The Four Quarters Magazine, Nether Magazine and First Proof 4: The Penguin Book of New Writing from India.

In addition to short fiction, I also write poetry, and my poems have appeared in The Cortland Review, DMQ Review, Blood Orange Review, Rhino, Eclectica and The Missing Slate, among others. You can find a complete list of my published pieces (with links where available) on my Literary Publications page.

Other writing on the web includes a number of non-fiction pieces, including articles for Pratilipi (one on Sappho, the other on David Malouf's Ransom), The Indian Express, and The Sunday Guardian.