Red Rain Cells- Why Extraterrestrials?

Red Cells- Why Extraterrestrial?

Some Analysis & Facts

The cells, which caused the red color to the rain, came from the SKY. At least 50 tons of red cells have downpour from the sky. We have analyzed only 126  reported cases.  There are many unreported cases of the red rain events and so many non-witnessed cases. By considering these facts the actual quantity will be more than 100 tons.  The Question is from where does this huge quantity of cells originated.  Because of the cells came from the sky  one can say that these are originated from a meteor ie originated from a extraterrestrial source.  But the possibility of other earthly  reasons should also analyze.  Many people are satisfied with the simple answer even though these answers are unscientific to explain the phenomena. Why we are saying that these are originated from a ET source?  

If the earthly origin of the cells can be ruled out then possibility of Extraterrestrial origin can be  explored ....

We are pointing some research evidences to show that the red rain cells are extraterrestrial.

 Are these evidences are not sufficient to say that these are ET ?

Many of people are quoting Carl Sagan’ s statement  “Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidences” while discussing the ET origin

These red cells are really qualifying the Carl Sagan Criteria.

Few of the above claims are not extraordinary, but collectively with other results, we can say that these evidences  are extraordinary. 

Even then, there is high tendency to debunk the results of the red rain  research and studies  on the putative  red cells