ZIONISM : Sooth! Spit I on thine zombie grave?

Benjamin H. Freedman - A Jewish Defector Warns America (1 of 9)

Transcription of BHF speech

This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. : http://www.themodernreligion.com/jihad/freedman.html





This is the background to the formation of the illegal state Israel - who's most powerful tool of propaganda is the spurious use of the term 'antisemitism'. The 'Jewish' state is a one-eyed demon. It's sole purpose? WORLD DOMINATION. It is a primary instrument of the owners of the world, who wield inviolable international authority under the absolute management of the current Rothschild family CEO. The GLOBAL OLIGARCHY/PLUTOCRACY/KLEPTOCRACY The neo-pharaohs of the planet Earth. Invisible through open concealment. Exampled by the dedicated goals of big corporations. No economy, legal or illegal is outside their control and use. Nothing breathes without their permission.

Personally speaking, although I loath usury (on any scale) we all have to accept the reality of the situation as we find it on the ground. This is the way God planned it. Nature red in tooth and claw. Survival of the fittest. The strong inherit the turf. What to do? I suggest there are 4 options. Yoi can be a munchkin (baa). You can wake up and sell your soul by striving to cross the golden line (Obama did well didn't he?). You can wake up and take arms in futile rebellion (another way to cross the golden line). You can dig Zen, fly under the radar and do haiku. Bottom line? I have running water and don't have to hunt my own food. So, enjoying the amenities is not to be sniffed at. And it got us out the caves, right?


no more winters

at the well