Source of the Spring of the Fountain of Existence?



in . . . motion

Yes, what 'caused' Nothingness/Somethingness is our line in the sand. We simply do not have the tools to do that mystic math. Often the sages of yore referenced Nothingness as 'That which cannot be named,' type thing. But, I would correct them spaced out mystic beatniks and say; the apex of Nothingness -- duality / synthesis [ Somethingness' synthesis = 'God' ] is 'That' [ ?/0/1 symbolises this numerically, where '0' = Nothingness and '1' = Somethingness and '?' at apex = 'That which cannot be named' ].

To contemplate an equalateral triangle with this in mind is a worthwhile thing to do.

These symbolic equalateral triangles can be turned 90° to produce different apex values [ the 0/1/2 triangle expresses Nothingness/God/Duality, where 1/2 is Somethingness, aka; Creation or manifestation ] :

A more advanced contemplation would be a 3D sphere with the main 3 axis shown and where the sphere has generated from a first distinction (point). A point (originally a finger) indicates position only. A point has (according to Euclidian geometry) no mass/velocity. In other words it does not exist, but does! To meditate on this is to resolve the paradox of how something can come of nothing. We recall Maya at this point (sic) and we remember this declares that Existence is an illusion, a dream. But, what is the dreamer. This we ponder with these simple, though powerful, geometrical symbols.


Here we have the two triangles resolved in a pyramid form (by raising the central point, the '?', to pyramid apex) :

If we switch our contemplation backwards and forward between 2D/3D (pyramid and triangle) we get a very useful base tool for exploring the fundamental archetypal basis of ALL creation myths that ever were or ever will be?


An archetype can NEVER be known, other than by it's effects. For example, in the formation of crystals the crystal archetype acts as a catalyst upon the atomic/molecular substrate and is only measurable through this and of course the crystals manifest.


In myth and literature we have countless examples of these metaphysical pondering and their recurring (archetypal) universal solution. William Morris is cited here simply because I love the title of his 'high fantasy' :

The Well At World's' End

'The story of a magic well with the power to grant immortality has set Ralph of Upmeads on a quest to find the real thing. Mysterious women he meets on his journey school him in the consequences of drinking from the well, but they cannot stop him.'

— jp


A useful cognitive tool is the inverse ratio :



Unknowable(ness). 'That which cannot be named.' We draw a line, beyond which is unknowable to us. This allows us to map all that proceeds from this point. This existential horizon. At the source of Somethingness, consciousness increasingly merges into this Totality (synthesis) we call, 'God'. Think; 'circuit'. Like Enoch, who 'walked with God and was not.' At the source of Nothingness/Somethingness [see link item] ALL Totality's consciousness is obliterated - God merges with ? [apex - see link item]. We can peep beyond the Nothingness'border by regarding this as a twilight zone (setting sun of God) with three varieties of twilight (like we have; civil, nautical and astronomical : ). The kabbalists use this and, at the top of their Tree of Life, the contemplative postulate of ain, ain soph and ain sauf aur : We can do this with the final frontier of Nothingess . . .


NORDIC WELL (mythic example of source)


Interesting, innit? O_O

— jp

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