Bitcoin Treasury notes are Bitcoin as paper money.
Print Design
The Design of the printed notes: 6 Notes have been created that honor 5 important chess players, Alexander Alekhine, Bobby Fischer,Mikhail Botvinnik, Emanuel Lasker and Jose Raul Capablanca and one important person in the development of chess software and artificial inteligence, John Mc Carthy.
The notes have denominations of 1,5,10,20,50 and 100 mio. Satoshis where 100 mio. Satoshi equal one Bitcoin.
Burned Wallet concept
The creation of special burned wallets, each note has its own wallet with an address that looks like this : 1thebitcointreasuryYLG2jbwSJGUw3D by using such a string it is clear that for such a public
key it is impossible to generate a private key and the way the public key looks is in itself is the "proof of burn" see more about this concept here:
The coins transfered into the wallet are connected with each note therefore are "burned", they can never be revoked from this wallet and the value by this act is now transfered to the note.
By cheking the wallet anyone can make sure the value is always there.
New printing technology
The notes security is made possible by a special new printing technology invented by Michael Marcovici. Each note has a QR code containing the wallets public key and a small stamp
made from oil color which is absolutely unique as the mix of color and the pressure applied is always different for each stamp. This stamp is scanned and stored in a database and by using a mobile app everybody can check the validity of each note. Each unique stamp is connected to one particular QR code/wallet.
Even if a lot of transactions do happen online today, still many more transactions do happen with papermoney, also the privacy of paper money is always higher than the privacy that electronic
money, even Bitcoin can ever provide. The safety of these "burned" coins is also extremely high, since there cannot be a private key the coins cannot be moved away from the wallets anymore.
The value of the coins is now stored in the note itself.