1001 PAINTINGS 1 to 10



170 x 340 cm, oil

private collection, Switzerland

The F101-GE-102 is the engine of the B-1 strategic bomber, a military project (replacing the B-52 Bomber) resumed by President Reagan in 1981. It has been developed by General Electric Aviation for the The U.S. Air Force. It delivers 32.500 lbs of thrust (144.5 kN). The last of 469 F101-GE-102 engines was produced in December 1987



220 x 140cm, oil

private collection, Liechtenstein

The General Electric LM6000 is a turboshaft gas turbine, the industrial and marine development of the CF6-80 aircraft turbofan. It has found wide use including fast ferry and high speed cargo ship applications. It has an expanded turbine section to convert thrust into shaft power, and can be used for power generation. The LM6000 provides 54,610 shaft horsepower (40,700 kW) from either end of the low-pressure rotor system at 3,600 rpm.



220 x 140cm, oil

Gallery M-Ars, Vienna

In 1988, the U.S. Air Force unveiled the Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber, powered by four non-augmented F118 engines. The Stealth aircraft was very similar to an experimental aircraft that was developed in the 1940s, the Northrop YB-49A, which had been powered by eight GE J35 engines.Each engine delivers 17.300 lbs of thurst, the B2 has a liftoff weight of 152.634 Kilogramm, it is typicaly equiped with nucelar or conventional weapons and one unit costs 1.450 Billion USD, the US Air Force has 21 B2 Bombers for



320 x 170cm, oil

private collection, Vienna

General Electric GE10. A Gas Compressor used to transport Gas in Pipelines or downstream. Its a 11-stage axial flow compressor, pressure ratio 15.5:1, size is 9 by 2.5 by 3 m and weights 40 tons, the output is 11,250 kW or 15,675 shp, the turbine Speed is 11,000 rpm and the flow is 47.5 kg/sec, and



165 x 120 cm, oil

private collection, France

Due to the amount of money changing hands in the Sumo Sport depending on rank, and prize money, there have been accusations of yaocho (corruption, bout-fixing) in sumo from time to time. A 2000 economic study on corruption focused on sumo as a closed system in which to study corruption. The authors of the study found that 70% of wrestlers with 7-7 records on the final day of the tournament won. The percentage was found to rise the more times the two wrestlers had met, and decrease when the wrestler was due to retire. In the book Freakonomics, Stephen Levitt also features an extensive discussion of this subject, showing essentially irrefutably that years and years of records indicate that an immense number of matches suggest cheating. “The authors looked at the final match, and considered the case of a 7-7 wrestler (i.e. a wrestler with seven wins and seven losses, and one fight to go) fighting against an 8-6 wrestler. Statistically, the 7-7 wrestler should have a slightly below even chance, since the 8-6 wrestler is slightly better. However, the 7-7 wrestler actually wins around 80% of the time. Levitt concludes that those who already have 8 wins collude with those who are 7-7 and let them win, since they have already secured their place in the league.” In addition, the authors revealed a more damning statistic. According to their research, the next tournament in which the two wrestlers met, there was a significant advantage to the 8-6 wrestler over the 7-7, regardless of the performance of either wrestler..



165 x 110 cm, oil

private collection, Vienna

Historians say Dr. David Livingstone, world explorer and missionary, discovered the botanical origins of watermelon in the middle of South Africa’s Kalahari Desert. Traders sold seeds along ancient Mediterranean trade routes, and cultivation spread throughout Africa. By the 10th century, watermelon found its way to China, which is now the world’s number one producer of watermelons. Watermelon probably

arrived in the US with colonists and African slaves...



140 x 140 cm, oil

Gallery M-Ars, Vienna

The cherry blossom (sakura) is Japan’s unofficial national flower. It has been celebrated for many centuries and takes a very prominent position in Japanese culture. Over one hundred cherry tree varieties can be found in Japan.During World War II, the sakura served as a motivating symbol for the Japanese people. Japanese pilots would paint them on the sides of their planes before embarking on a suicide mission to symbolize the beauty and ephemerality of nature. The government encouraged the people to believe that the souls of downed warriors were reincarnated in the blossoms. Even now Japanese military and police use cherry for emblems, flags and insignia, instead of star,



140 x 160 cm, oil

Gallery M-Ars, Vienna

Recent studies on Japanese consumer tastes have shown that it is important for them to have a continuous, consistent, good quality and safe pork meat, without the use of medication (antibiotics, etc.). Artificial insemination, the process used by Smithfields, offers an easier method for unifying meat quality. It produces hogs with the genetic characteristics demanded by the “lean generation” of meat-eaters in Japan.SCOA and Smithfield have developed a product for Japanese consumers that’s not just lean, but retains its flavor after cooking. This was achieved through special genetic crossbreeding, and selective feed ingredients. In this case, the tastiness comes from the internal fat...



155 x 100 cm, oil

private collection, Vienna

In Japan, the term “figure” can refer to figure skating or to dolls, statues, and other collectible figurines. Figures based on anime, manga and dating sim characters are often sold as dolls in Japan. Collecting them is a popular hobby amongst otaku.

Otaku referred to the space between them, they are far from each other, not familiar.” The origin of the social phenomenon otaku lies in the changes in Japanese culture in the 70’s. They are the children of media and technology. They grew up as only child with daddy always out at work, and mummy very eager that her son studies hard so he can enter a good university so he can enter a good company. The cliché Japanese success story. And kiddy goes into hiding behind piles of toys, comics, and play machines as well...