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In press:


Sutcliffe A.G. and Wang D. (2014) Memetic evolution in the development of proto-language. Memetic Computing, 6 (1). pp 3-18.

Erbas, M. D., Winfield, A. F. and Bull, L. (2014) Embodied imitation-enhanced reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems. Adaptive Behavior, 22 (1). pp. 31-50. Download pdf.

Winfield AFT (2013), Noisy Social Learning and the Dynamics of Behavioural Evolution, Extended Abstract at ECAL 2013 workshop on Collective Behaviour and Social Dynamics. Download pdf.

Haasdijk E, Eiben AE and Winfield AFT (2013), Individual, Social and Evolutionary Adaptation in Collective Systems, pp 411-469 in Handbook of Collective Robotics - Fundamentals and Challenges, Ed. S Kernbach, Pan Stanford.

Guest, A., Griffths, F., Winfield, A., and Bown, J. (2012). An embodied simulation platform to enhance the interpretation of complex models of society. In Proc. Complexity Science and Social Science at the Interface to the Real World, Royal Society International Centre, Newport Pagnell, UK.

Sutcliffe, Alistair and Wang, Di (2012) Investigating the Relative Influence of Genes and Memes in Healthcare, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 15 (2) 1.

Winfield AFT, Sutcliffe AG, Griffiths FE, Durie R, Bown J, Tennant Jackson J, Erbas MD, Wang D, Bhamjee S and Guest A. (2011), First steps toward Artificial Culture in Robot Societies (extended abstract), in Proc. 2nd European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011 (FET 11), Procedia Computer Science, Vol 7, pp 130-132, Elsevier.

Griffiths F, Bown J, Durie R, Sutcliffe A, Jackson JT and Winfield A (2011). Embodied Simulation of Social Interaction, poster at European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'11), Vienna, September 2011.

O'Dowd P, Winfield A and Studley M (2011). The Distributed Co-Evolution of an Embodied Simulator and Controller for Swarm Robot Behaviours, in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011) (full paper oral presentation), San Francisco, September 2011. Download pdf.

Guest A, Sapeluk A, Winfield A and Bown J (2011). Promoting Meme Diversity and Transmission Fidelity in Artificial Proto-Cultures. In Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ECAL 2011). T. Lenaerts, M. Giacobini, H. Bersini, P. Bourgine, M. Dorigo and R. Doursat, (eds.). Pages: 286-293. MIT Press. Download pdf.

Erbas MD and Winfield AFT (2011). On the Emergence of Structure in Behaviours Evolved through Embodied Imitation in a Group of Robots. In Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ECAL 2011). T. Lenaerts, M. Giacobini, H. Bersini, P. Bourgine, M. Dorigo and R. Doursat, (eds.). Pages: 219-226. MIT Press. Download pdf. View poster.

Guest A, Bown J, Sapeluk A, Winfield A and Shovman M (2011). Plotting a catchy tune: tracing sound meme evolution through visualization. CoSMoS Workshop 2011, Paris, August 2011. Download pdf.

Winfield AFT and Erbas MD (2011). On Embodied Memetic Evolution and the Emergence of Behavioural Traditions in Robots. Journal of Memetic Computing. 3 (4), pp261-270, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s12293-011-0063-x. Download pdf (accepted version).

Tennant Jackson J, A Dialogue: On the Complexity of networks between the Arts and the Sciences, Northern Arts and Science Network e-publication, March 2011.

Winfield AFT, Sutcliffe AG, Griffiths FE, Durie R, Bown J, Tennant Jackson J, Erbas MD, Wang D, Bhamjee S and Guest A (2011), First steps toward Artificial Culture in Robot Societies, Poster presented at Future Emerging Technologies (FET11), Budapest, May 2011. (Poster abstract refereed).

Erbas MD, Winfield AFT and Bull L, Towards Imitation-enhanced Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, Paris, April 2011. Download pdf.

Liu W, Winfield AFT (2011) Open-hardware e-puck Linux extension board for experimental swarm robotics research. Microprocessors and Microsystems 35 (1), 2011, doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2010.08.002. Download pdf (accepted version).

O'Dowd P, Winfield A and Studley M (2010) Towards accelerated distributed evolution for adaptive behaviours in swarm robotics. In: Belpaeme, T., Bugmann, G., Melhuish, C. and Witkowski, M., eds. Proceedings of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems 2010. University of Plymouth, pp. 169-175. ISBN 9781841022635. Download pdf.

Bhamjee S, Griffiths FE and Palmer J, 'Children's perception and interpretation of robots and robot behaviour', in Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Human-Robot Personal Relationships (HRPR 2010), June 2010, Leiden Uni, the Netherlands. Download pdf.

Winfield AFT, 'You really need to know what your bot(s) are thinking about you', pp 201-208 in Close Engagements with Artificial Companions: Key Social, Psychological, Ethical and Design Issues, Ed. Y Wilks, John Benjamins, 2010. Download pdf.

Winfield AFT and Griffiths F, Towards the Emergence of Artificial Culture in Collective Robot Systems, pp 431-439 in Symbiotic Multi-robot Organisms, Eds. P Levi and S Kernbach, Springer-Verlag, 2010.

Tennant Jackson J, Towards Understanding Emergence: Ecological approaches between Art and Science, 4th Organisational Studies Workshop: Embracing Complexity: Advanced Ecological Understanding in Organizational Studies, European Group For Organisational Studies (EGOS), Cyprus. 5 - 7 June 2008.