What to do After a Whiplash Injury in Savannah

In Savannah, Georgia, car accidents frequently result in whiplash injuries, yet these injuries are frequently minimized even though they can have serious consequences.

Think fender bender, not minor inconvenience. Whiplash is a leading cause of personal injury claims, so being informed is key.

Myths about whiplash offer an inaccurate picture. Whiplash can occur during sporting activities as well, though auto crashes are the most common cause.

It's critical that you act quickly if you've experienced whiplash in Savannah, Georgia, to protect your financial and well-being. This article delves into the necessary actions that you ought to perform.

What's A Whiplash Injury?

Has your neck ever felt like it was being whipped like, well, a whip? More or less, that's what whiplash is. 

Your neck's muscles and tendons may become stretched or torn as a result of an abrupt, violent movement. This can occur during a hard tackle in sports, a sudden turn, or an automobile collision.

The difficult portion? Not everyone has whiplash pain immediately. After an accident, the adrenaline rush may conceal it for several hours or even days. But even if you first feel fine, it's crucial to consult a doctor in Savannah as soon as possible if you experience any neck pain following a collision. Recall that neck injuries are dangerous, so take precautions!

These differ based on the severity of the injury, but here are some things to be aware of:

One of the major ones is neck pain and stiffness, which may not manifest immediately.

See a doctor right away if you encounter any of these following a car accident. Act before the symptoms get worse. You can heal more quickly and prevent long-term issues with early diagnosis and treatment.

The problem is that the symptoms of whiplash can be confusing because they mimic those of other injuries. For this reason, a medical assessment is essential. A physician can diagnose you and provide the necessary treatment.

Savannah's Arrowhead Clinic is able to assist! We provide prompt appointments, complimentary consultations, and excellent care from board-certified accident physicians. We can identify the problem, treat it, and help you get back on track to feeling your best.

Should You Always Seek Medical Treatment?

Even if you feel well after a car accident, should you still consult a doctor? Of course!

The truth is that whiplash symptoms might be subtle. Because of the adrenaline rush following the accident, they might not appear right away. However, waiting may ultimately worsen the situation.

So, be cautious and have yourself examined.  Injuries to soft tissues that are not visible on X-rays might result from even a small collision.  Inform your physician about the accident, and they will check for whiplash and other possible issues in your neck.

The diagnosis must be made early!  You can receive physical therapy and feel better sooner if your doctor diagnoses the issue. They can design a strategy to control your discomfort and promote healthy healing.

Never forget that your health comes first. Even if you first feel fine following a car accident, don't put off visiting a doctor.

Savannah chiropractor for whiplash

You Need Medical Documentation

Getting checked out by a doctor after a car accident is smart for two reasons:

Imagine you have neck pain weeks after a crash. Without a doctor's report, your insurance might question if it's related to the accident. But a documented medical visit right after the accident creates a clear connection.

Basically, medical documentation is your shield. It protects your health and helps ensure you get the financial help you deserve.

What Are The Legal Steps To Take After Your Accident?

Consider speaking with a lawyer after a car accident, especially for a free consultation! 

Insurance providers take swift action. They will immediately begin looking into your claim, therefore you need someone on your side who can follow suit.

Take no advantage of the first offer. Here's where a lawyer can save the day for you. They are skilled at negotiating for just recompense rather than a hasty settlement.

Solo endeavors might be dangerous. Errors occur, and legal counsel can shield your interests and assist you prevent them.

Don't forget that consultations are free. So there's no harm in talking to a lawyer and getting some expert advice. They can help you understand your options and make the best decisions moving forward.

Medical Services To Seek After An Auto Accident

Ignoring whiplash can result in more serious issues later on, such as:

Take into account these medical services to get back on track:

Chiropractic care: A chiropractor can help your neck heal properly by applying adjustments, massage, and other procedures.

Physical therapy: To strengthen and increase flexibility in your neck muscles, a physical therapist can design a customized exercise program for you.

Pain management: If you experience severe pain, your doctor may offer additional pain management techniques or prescribe medication.

Usually, surgery is the final resort. Physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments can frequently aid in the non-surgical healing of whiplash. However, surgery may be required if you have a significant injury such as a herniated disc. 

Make Your Chiropractor Appointment in Savannah Immediately After Your Accident 

Get attention right away if you believe you may have whiplash! If you wait a day, the injury can worsen. Recall that if small pain is not managed, it can become a long-term issue.

A chiropractor in Savannah can be of assistance. In order to get you feeling better and returning to your pre-accident state, they will evaluate your injuries and design a customized treatment plan.

They can also put you in touch with a lawyer if necessary.  Receiving just reimbursement for your auto repairs and medical expenses can be quite beneficial.

Are you prepared to begin? Get a free consultation with a chiropractor in Savannah right now!

Savannah chiropractor for whiplash injuries