Brighton Beach, SC Chiropractor

Finding the Best Brighton Beach Chiropractor

Arrowhead Clinic's Brighton Beach, SC Chiropractor has been serving the community for more than 40 years.

We have built relationships on trust with our patients and our name has earned respect within the surrounding community.

Whether you are dealing with neck pain, whiplash, back pain, or a personal injury accident, all you need to do is call Arrowhead Clinic and schedule a Free Consultation with the chiropractor.

Keep reading for more information about how our team at the best accident injury clinic can help you, and what you need to know in order to be prepared for your new patient appointment.

Chiropractic Care After an Auto Accident Injury

Car Accidents involving the residents of Brighton Beach, South Carolina can cause an abundance of unwanted injuries and pain.

Some of the most common on patients complain of include:

  • Neck Pain

  • Back Pain

  • Whiplash

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Numbness

  • Stiffness

  • Soreness

  • Insomnia

  • Memory Issues

If you leave these injuries untreated, serious conditions may persist for the rest of your life.

You need to find a doctor that specializes in these types of musculoskeletal injuries that are typically caused by accidents.

Do not let the pain that someone else caused you to affect your health and quality of life.

The Chiropractic Doctors in Brighton Beach, SC have an extensive history helping victims of these types of accidents and injuries, so trust the professionals.

We believe that the chiropractic treatments that we provide produce the best and longest lasting results after an accident or soft tissue injury.

How Can Local Chiropractic Care in Brighton Beach, SC Help Me?

The Chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinic's Brighton Beach, SC office are experts at treating soft tissue injuries, misalignments, and conditions caused in all sorts of personal injury accidents.

Our treatment approaches are always safe and all-natural. Our goal is to ultimately restore your body's natural function, mobility, and flexibility while reducing your achiness, stiffness, and soreness.

Many of our patients see results almost immediately, but the most common results are a drastic reduction in pain symptoms and inflammation. Patients will also notice an increased range of motion in back, neck, and extremities.

Because we do not use muscle relaxers and potent narcotics to simply mask the pain, our patients leave confident we did everything to treat their injuries and pain at the source.

Our treatment methods include spinal decompression. This therapy uses intermittent spinal traction to relieve stress from the vertebral joints, while concurrently hydrating your discs. So if you are suffering, do not wait another minute to call Arrowhead Clinic at 800-961-PAIN (7246) to schedule your Free Consultation with our Accident Injury Chiropractor.

What Should You Expect During Your First Visit At The Office?

When you arrive at Arrowhead Clinic for your Free Chiropractic Consultation, you will be requested to complete some paperwork.

This is important because it provides the doctor with information about your current health condition and your injury symptoms and your medical history.

Some questions you will need to answer include:

    • When did the pain start?

    • Where is the pain located?

    • How did the pain start?

    • What activities make the pain worse or better?

    • Was the pain caused by an injury?

    • Does the pain come and go, or is it non-stop?

    • Describe the pain:

        • Sharp

        • Dull

        • Burning

        • Throbbing

The Exam with your Brighton Beach Chiropractor

Once your doctor is up to date on your medical history and current condition, he will begin his exam.

This exam will include comprehensive tests such as pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and reflexes, as well as other orthopedic and neurological tests needed to assess:

    • Range of Motion

    • Muscle Tone

    • Postural Stability

    • Neurological Integrity

    • Muscle Power

Chiropractic Doctors Specialize in Soft Tissue Treatment

Soft tissue injuries commonly occur in Motor Vehicle Accidents. It is essential to obtain care after you have been hurt in a car crash, because the injuries you suffered may not all be visible or apparent yet.

Seeking chiropractic treatment fast will give you a better chance at a full and fast recovery, while also holding the at-fault party responsible for their actions.

Car accident injuries can range from minor to severe, and the extent of your injuries typically do not even align with the severity of the accident itself.

For example, it is not unheard of for a victim of an automobile wreck to walk away unharmed when the wreck is severe, and it is not uncommon for a victim to suffer major injuries when the accident was a minor fender bender.

Your body also may mask your pain and injuries because it reflexively produces hormones called endorphins. These mask your injuries and pain so that you believe you did not suffer harm even if you did.

The Chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinics will therefore fully evaluate you in order to determine whether or not you were injured in the wreck.

Our medical professionals will focus on hidden wounds and perform precautionary examinations to ensure your health is fully returned to normal.

Minor Injuries Can Cause Long-Term Pain

Many victims who are injured in car wrecks do not feel any discomfort for hours or even days after their accident.

Therefore, if you are not in immediate pain or don't feel injured, you still may have suffered an injury.

The most common delayed injuries after being in an automotive crash are soft tissue injuries.

"Whiplash" is a very common soft tissue injury of the neck.

Whiplash is commonly described as pain in the neck but can affect any neural network, including the extremities and down the spine.

Other common symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Headaches

  • Stiffness

  • Reduced Mobility

  • Dizziness

  • Slow Reflexes

  • Muscle spasms

  • Numbness

  • Weakness

Being involved in a vehicle collision can put unwanted pressure on our delicate nerves and can even diminish nerve flow to the limbs and vital organs.

Once your nervous system is operating sub-optimally any function of the human body is at risk and can cause further complications.

From movement, blinking, and heartbeat, to regulation of hormones, breathing, and vision. And even worse if left untreated depleted nerve energy will lead to pain, fatigue, and dysfunction and eventually disease.

By realigning the spine back to health, and taking unnecessary pressure off the nerves, patients experience almost immediate pain relief, and more significant experience vitality, feeling of healthiness and increased energy.

Chiropractic Adjustments Provide Natural Pain Relief

The staff at Arrowhead Clinic in Brighton Beach, SC understand that accident injuries and their pain symptoms can severely impact your quality of life.

Therefore, we want to quickly relieve your pain and get you back to your normal and healthy lifestyle.

The all natural treatments our experienced chiropractors provide are preferred by our patients and injury victims over the alternative, which is costly surgery or addicting pain medications that only mask pain symptoms.

Our trained chiropractors use adjustments known as spinal manipulations.

These correct the structural alignment of the spine and improve your body's function.

Your doctor will either use his hands or a tiny instrument to apply the controlled force to the spinal joint.

Some spinal manipulation techniques might include:

  1. Flexion-distraction technique- Is a gentle, hands-on spinal manipulation that involves a pumping action on the intervertebral disc instead of direct force.

  2. Specific spinal manipulation- Helps restore joint movement using a gentle thrusting technique.

  3. Instrument-assisted manipulation- Uses a handheld instrument to allow your chiropractor to apply force without thrusting into the spine.

What is the Popping Sound You Hear During Your Chiropractic Adjustment?

Adjusting a spinal joint may sometimes cause the release of a gas bubble between the joints.

This is called a cavitation, which results in a popping sound. The same thing occurs when you “crack” your knuckles.

This is completely harmless and typically very relieving.

Schedule Your Free Consultation for Treatment Today!

If you are in pain or have been involved in an accident recently, our chiropractic doctors at Arrowhead Clinic can help you get the treatment you need so you can recover fully.

Whether its muscle re-balancing, pain management, or postural correction our .Brighton Beach, SC Chiropractic office is changing the way patients recover after a personal injury accident.

So if you are experiencing symptoms, or believe you may have suffered an injury click on the button below or call now 800-961-PAIN (7246) for a Free Consultation with one of our chiropractors at the Top Chiropractic Clinic near you in Brighton Beach, South Carolina.