
Based on my educational background, I have come to realize the undeniable influence of mathematical logic on social analysis, including that of natural ecosystems that encompass economic and social aspects. As the world becomes increasingly complex, the need for new paradigms, such as complexity sciences, has become evident. While recognizing the importance of various modeling tools, I particularly value the graph-theoretic and game-theoretic frameworks when they are governed by evolutionary dynamics. These approaches provide valuable insights in navigating the nuances of our multilayered world. 

Having started my professional journey in finance, specifically focusing on derivatives products such as options, I have since transitioned into the realm of academia, taking on new responsibilities. As both a scientist and former head of an academic chair, I have engaged in a diverse range of activities. These encompass academic research, effective scientific communication, teaching undergraduate and graduate students, supervising theses, conducting rigorous peer reviews, fundraising, managing budgets, preparing annual reports, overseeing teams, and leading various projects. These projects have included organizing conferences, undertaking consulting initiatives, and spearheading the development of academic contests. 

As an accomplished bioeconomist, my aspiration is to expand my research horizons beyond the realms I have already inspected. I have delved into complex systems and have authored several publications on the subject. With a keen interest in design and analysis, I am particularly intrigued by investigating the dynamics of both anthropogenic and natural networks. This involves exploring interconnected systems such as market systems, supply chains, biological systems, and natural ecosystems. By probing the nuances of these networked systems, I aim to contribute to the understanding of their dynamics and drive meaningful research in these domains. I emphasize mathematical modeling, computer simulations, and machine learning techniques in my research.

I am currently an international faculty member at Chulalongkorn University [CU] and an associate researcher at the Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations [CIRANO]. My academic pursuits, fueled by a passion for areas such as microeconomics, bioeconomics, network economics, complexity economics, agricultural and forest economics, and environmental and resource economics, focus on exploring the complex interplay between human and ecological systems. I aspire to foster collaborative partnerships, employing various tools and methodologies, to study socio-ecological systems. These collaborations enable me to venture into the essential themes of structural robustness and resilience in the face of diverse threats while striving to promote sustainable development in a comprehensive and holistic manner. 

I graduated with a bachelor's (B.Sc) degree in business administration from ESSEC Business School [CY] and with a master's (M.Ph) degree in decision sciences from Arts et Métiers ParisTech [HESAM]. I hold a doctoral (Ph.D) degree in economic sciences from École Polytechnique [IP Paris] and a habilitation (Sc.D) degree in economic sciences from the Aix-Marseille School of Economics [AMU]. I have been qualified for full professorship in economic sciences by the French National Council of Universities [CNU] in February 2022.

Should you be interested in my profile, or in my scientific works, do not hesitate to contact me through the contact page.

Please find below my curriculum vitae dated June 25, 2024.
