
40. Dragicevic, A. (2024), Deconstructing the Doughnut, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (99%)), forthcoming.

39. Dragicevic, A. (2024), The Unification of Evolutionary Dynamics through the Bayesian Decay Factor in a Game on a Graph, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (SCI, Scopus Q1 (90%), A), 86: 69.

38. Dragicevic, A. (2024), The Price Identity of Replicator(-Mutator) Dynamics on Graphs with Quantum Strategies in a Public Goods Game, Dynamic Games and Applications (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (89%)), forthcoming.

37. Dragicevic, A. and Pereau, J.-C. (2024), Comparing Climate Pledges and Eco-Taxation in a Networked Agricultural Supply Chain Organization, European Review of Agricultural Economics (SCI, Scopus Q1 (93%)), 51: 354398.

36. Dragicevic, A. (2023), Pseudomonotone Variational Inequality in Action: Case of the French Dairy Industrial Network Dynamics, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (SCIE, Scopus Q2 (50%), B), 19: 86578690.

35. Dragicevic, A. (2022), Exchange Networks with Stochastic Matching, Games (ESCI, Scopus Q3 (47%)), 14: 2.

34. Dragicevic, A. and Gurtoo, A. (2022), Stochastic Control of Ecological Networks, Journal of Mathematical Biology (SCI, Scopus Q1 (78%), A*), 85: 7.

33. Dragicevic, A. and Garcia, S. (2021), Principal-Agent Relationships: A Note on Biomass Depletion, Research in Ecology, 3: 9–15.

32. Dragicevic, A. (2021), Internalizing CO2-Equivalent Emissions Issued from Agricultural Activities, Frontiers in Climate (Scopus Q2 (61%)), 3: 714334. 

31. Wolfersberger, J., Amacher, G., Delacote, P. and Dragicevic, A. (2021), The Dynamics of Deforestation and Reforestation in a Developing Economy, Environment and Development Economics (SSCI, Scopus Q1 (78%)), 27: 272293. 

30. Dragicevic, A. and Shogren, J. (2021), Preservation Value in Socio-Ecological Systems, Ecological Modelling (SCI, Scopus Q1 (82%)), 443: 109451.

29. Dragicevic, A. (2020), Emergence and Dynamics of Short Food Supply Chains, Networks and Spatial Economics (SCIE, Scopus Q2 (71%), C), 21: 31–55.

28. Dragicevic, A. (2020), The Economics of the Sylvo-Cynegetic Equilibrium, Forest Policy and Economics (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (97%)), 120: 102300.

27. Dragicevic, A. (2020), Stochastic Network Price Identity, Annual Reviews in Control (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (98%)), 50: 294–302.

26. Dragicevic, A. (2020), Concentric Framework for Sustainability Assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (98%)), 248: 119268.

25. Dragicevic, A. (2019), Rethinking the Forestry in the Aquitaine Massif through Portfolio Management, Forest Policy and Economics (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (97%)), 109: 102020.

24. Dragicevic, A. (2019), Conditional Rehabilitation of Cooperation under Strategic Uncertainty, Journal of Mathematical Biology (SCI, Scopus Q1 (78%), A*), 79: 1973–2003.

23. Dragicevic, A. (2019), Comparing Forest Governance Models against Invasive Biological Threats, Journal of Theoretical Biology (SCI, Scopus Q1 (91%), A*), 462: 270–282.

22. Dragicevic, A. (2019), Reflective Evolution under Strategic Uncertainty, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (SCI, Scopus Q1 (81%), B), 29: 1950018-114.

21. Dragicevic, A. (2019), Stochastic Shadow Pricing of Renewable Natural Resources, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (SCIE, Scopus Q2 (66%), B), 24: 49–60.

20. Dragicevic, A. (2019), Market Coordination under Non-Equilibrium Dynamics, Networks and Spatial Economics (SCIE, Scopus Q2 (71%), C), 19: 697–715.

19. Dragicevic, A. (2018), Spacetime Discounted Value of Network Connectivity, Advances in Complex Systems (SCIE, Scopus Q3 (43%), C), 21: 1850018-1–34.

18. Dragicevic, A. (2018), Deconstructing Sustainability, Sustainable Development (SSCI, Scopus Q1 (98%)), 26: 525–532.

17. Dragicevic, A. and Shogren, J. (2017), Sustainability Narrowness, Advances in Complex Systems (SCIE, Scopus Q3 (43%), C), 20: 1750013-1–20.

16. Dragicevic, A., Boulanger, V., Bruciamacchie, M., Chauchard, S., Dupouey, J.-L. and Stenger, A. (2017), Network Connectivity Value, Journal of Theoretical Biology (SCI, Scopus Q1 (91%), A*), 419: 310322.

15. Brunette, M., Dragicevic, A., Lenglet, J., Niedzwiedz, A., Badeau, V. and Dupouey, J.-L. (2017), Biotechnical Portfolio Management of Mixed-Species Forests, Journal of Bioeconomics (ZR, Scopus Q2 (56%)), 19: 223245.

14. Brunette, M., Dragicevic, A., Lenglet, J. and Niedzwiedz, A. (2017), Vers une Composition Optimale de la Forêt Française, Économie Rurale, 359: 27–49.

13. Dragicevic, A. (2017), Option Fund Market Dynamics for Threshold Public Goods, Dynamic Games and Applications (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (89%)), 7: 21–33.

12. Wernsdörfer, H., Chaumet, M., Lenglet, J., Remy, Q., Andrianantenaina, A., Ayari, N., Baffoin, R., Blanchard, C., Cadoret, F., Duperrier, A., Ferrer, F., Gelan, M., Ellhöft, K., Schrepfer, L., Sniezak, H., Blondet, M., Deuffic, P., Ehrhart, Y., Dragicevic, A., Kientz, B., Fillbrandt, T., Jaeger, D., Gérardin, P. and Fournier, M. (2016), Analyse Comparative des Enjeux de la Filière Chêne auprès d’Acteurs de la Première Transformation et de Gestionnaires Forestiers dans le Nord-Est de la France et le Sud-Ouest de l’Allemagne, Revue Forestière Française (BIOSIS, Scopus Q4 (10%)), 68: 143–152.

11. Dragicevic, A. and Barkaoui, A. (2016), Forest-Based Industrial Network: Case of the French Timber Market, Forest Policy and Economics (SCIE, Scopus Q1  (97%)), 75: 23–33.

10. Dragicevic, A. (2016), From Robustness to Resilience: A Network Price Identity Approach, Ecological Complexity (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (83%)), 28: 47–53.

9. Barkaoui, A. and Dragicevic, A. (2016), Nash Bargaining and Renegotiation with Social Preferences: Case of the Roundwood Log Supply Contracts in the French Timber Market, Forest Policy and Economics (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (97%)), 69: 90–100.

8. Dragicevic, A. (2016), Functional Diversity from Network Response Dynamics, Journal of Bioeconomics (ZR, Scopus Q2 (56%)), 18: 1–15.

7. Dragicevic, A., Lobianco, A. and Leblois, A. (2016), Forest Planning and Productivity-Risk Trade-Off through the Markowitz Mean-Variance Model, Forest Policy and Economics (SCIE, Scopus Q1 (97%)), 64: 25–36.

6. Dragicevic, A. (2015), Hier les Ventes par Adjudication, Aujourd'hui les Contrats d'Approvisionnement, Demain les Carnets d'Ordres ?, Revue Forestière Française (BIOSIS, Scopus Q4 (10%)), 67: 127–132.

5. Dragicevic, A. (2015), Bayesian Population Dynamics of Spreading Species, Environmental Modeling and Assessment (SCIE, Scopus Q2 (66%), B), 20: 17–27.

4. Dragicevic, A. and Sinclair-Desgagné, B. (2013), Sustainable Network Dynamics, Ecological Modelling (SCI, Scopus Q1 (82%)), 270: 43–53.

3. Dragicevic, A. and Ettinger, D. (2011), Private Valuation of a Public Good in Three Auction Mechanisms, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis (SSCI, Scopus Q1 (89%)), 2: 1–27.

2. Dragicevic, A. and Sinclair-Desgagné, B. (2010), Éco-Fiscalité et Réduction d'Émissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre, in Le Québec Économique 2010 : Vers un Plan de Croissance pour le Québec, Joanis, M. and Godbout, L. (eds.), Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec.

1. Dragicevic, A. (2010), Endogenous Market-Clearing Prices and Reference Point Adaptation, in Advances in Social Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6007, Chai, S., Salerno, J. and Mabry, P. (eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.