Working Papers

Working Papers 

[5] An Experimental Analysis of In-group Favoritism and Out-group Discrimination in the Gain and Loss Domain (with Tigran Aydinyan, Anna Ressi, Lilia Wasserka-Zhurakhovska)

[4] Digital Access to Healthcare Services and Healthcare Utilization: A Quasi-Experiment (with Marco Bertoni and Luca Corazzini)

[3] Breaking the bag habit: testing interventions to reduce plastic bag demand (with Luca Corazzini) [R&R1, Ecological Economics]

Previously circulated as "Money does it better! Economic Incentives, nudging interventions and reusable shopping bags: Evidence from a natural field experiment" 

[2] Narratives and Opinion Polarization: A Survey Experiment (with Thomas Basetti, Luca Corazzini, Filippo Pavesi) [revised and resubmitted 1, Scientific Reports]

[1] Nudging for Tax Compliance: A Meta-Study (with Zareh Asatryan) (media coverage: de Correspondent, EOSA, ZEW news, Austaxpolicy) [R&R4, the Economic Journal]