Aries EeZee QSL 'Cards'
QSL Information & Download Advice
During on-air activities we are only rarely asked for a QSL card; so in June 2015 we introduced our digital, self-service, "EeZee" QSL 'Cards' (and very occasionally Awards and Certificates) which our contacts may download and print. None of these have details of individual QSOs: that avoids us having to compare logs and fiddle with information that is time-consuming and a bit redundant nowadays. QSO information can be written on the back of printouts just like in the olden days.
Please note that the 'EeZee QSL' cards are designed specifically to be printed at a maximum size of A5: printing them larger will reduce the quality.
Downloading and Printing EeZee QSL Cards
From an on-screen image
Right click on the image and select an appropriate option, such as 'Save Link As'. You will then (normally) be asked for a location; you can also rename the file if you wish. Your computer software may have other ways to 'capture' images.
Printing an EeZee QSL Card
Aries EeZee QSL Cards are normally of a size (in megapixels) that permits them to be printed at a good quality (300dpi) up to A5 size. Beyond that, image quality will usually only be satisfactory if viewed from greater than normal reading distance.
Printers and computer print/graphic applications usually have automatic features which make the task of printing easy (but not always). If you do have difficulties getting a print at the right size you may need to investigate how your preferred software configures print-outs. Because of the immense variety of possible applications (and many operating systems) it isn't possible for us to give individual advice on how to set up printers, software, or help with other IT issues.
EeZee QSL cards, awards, certificates and similar downloads are not personalised - it's easy to add your own information on the back of printed images. So, we only provide the front face of the cards. QSL information, such as date, time and all the other 'guff' that is found on paper cards can be added freehand on the back, or using a label produced by a logging program. At some point we'll (try to) add a downloadable blank QSL/QSO template to make the DIY approach easier. We do not validate QSOs, require logs to be submitted, ask for payment or make other 'burning hoop' requirements - if you do not trust yourself to do things properly it is not our business!
Suggested resolutions
'Regular' EeZee QSL cards are offered at an image size of 1800 x 1200 pixels (but there may be minor variations). They are intended to be printed at 200 to 300 dpi, yeilding a printed image from postcard size (as in 6x4 inch paper QSL cards) to A5 (supersize QSL cards) with good sharpness. If printed at 150dpi these images might provide a usable print at A4 suitable for viewing at c1m distance, but are not intended to do so.
Occasionally, 'Special EeZee Certificates' (again single-sided and not personalised) may be available in sizes that will permit them to be printed at magazine quality A4 size. For example, major events may have images at 3600x2400px which will print at very high quality at A4 or even A3. The aim of these supersized designs is to carry complex or novel designs that don't work well on a small card. We will indicate maximum print size when appropriate.
In general, using a lower dpi (dots per inch) when printing will result in a proportionately larger print size, viewable from a greater distance, but compared to a smaller printout the quality may suffer - it's a fact of life.
A higher DPI (greater than 300) may give a smaller 'sharper' print, but this depends on your printer.
For best results use good quality glossy or semi-glossy paper, preferably 80gsm or heavier.
Please note that the relationship between file size on disk, image size in megabytes whilst editing, pixel size and print size/resolution is all quite complicated. The key issue is that pixels are essentially dimensionless - you can choose to print them at any size you wish and the final printout will vary in size accordingly ... in reality it's a bit more complicated than that!