SALDRU working papers


Ardington, C. (2020) “NIDS-CRAM wave 1 data quality” NIDS-CRAM Working Paper

Kerr, A., Ardington, C., and R. Burger (2020) “Sample design and weighting in the NIDS-CRAM survey” NIDS-CRAM Technical Paper B


Ardington, C. and M. Little (2016) “The impact of maternal death on children’s health and education outcomes” SALDRU Working Paper Number 184/ NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/11

Thornton, A., Ardington, C. and M. Leibbrandt (2016) “Pathways to BMI in South Africa differ by gender: food quality and quantity in NIDS Wave 1” SALDRU Working Paper Number 190


Credit constraints and the racial gap in post-secondary education

Lam, D.; Ardington, C.; Branson, N.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-10).

Changes in education, employment and earnings in South Africa – A cohort analysis

Branson, N.; Ardington, C.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-08).

Trends in teenage childbearing and schooling outcomes for children born to teens in South Africa

Branson, N.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-06).

Distance as a barrier to health care access in South Africa

McLaren, Z.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2013-06).

Social protection and labour market outcomes of youth in South Africa 

Ardington, C.; Barnighausen, T.; Case, A.; Menendez, A. (2013-06).


The Economic consequences of death in South Africa

Ardington, C.; Barnighausen, T.; Case, A.; Menendez, A. (2012-12).

Health: Analysis of the NIDS wave 1 and 2 datasets 

Ardington, C.; Gasealahwe, B. (2012-05).


Early childbearing, human capital attainment and mortality risk

Ardington, C.; Menendez, A.; Mutevedzi, T. (2011-03).

Health outcomes for children born to teen mothers in Cape Town, South Africa 

Branson, N.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2011-03).


Parental loss and schooling: Evidence from metropolitan Cape Town

Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2009-11).

The impact of AIDS on intergenerational support in South Africa: Evidence from the Cape Area Panel Study 

Ardington, C.; Case, A.; Islam, M.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M.; Menendez, A.; Olgiati, A. (SALDRU Working Paper # 27, 2009-02).


Orphanhood and Schooling in South Africa: Trends in the vulnerability of orphans between 1993 and 2005 

Ardington, C. (2008-06).


Labor supply responses to large social transfers: Longitudinal evidence from South Africa 

Ardington, C.; Case, A.; Hosegood, V. (2007-12).

Sequential regression multiple imputation for incomplete multivariate data using Markov Chain Monte Carlo 

Lacerda, M.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2007-12).

Schooling as a lottery: Racial differences in school advancement in urban South Africa

Lam, D.; Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (2007-11). 


Employment status, security, and the management of risk: a study of workers in Kwamsane, KwaZulu-Natal 

Lund, F.; Ardington, C. (2006-08).


Health-seeking behavior in northern KwaZulu-Natal

Case, A.; Menendez, A.; Ardington, C. (SALDRU/CSSR Working Paper #116).

The sensitivity of estimates of post-apartheid changes in South African poverty and inequality to key data imputations

Ardington, C.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M.; Welch, M. (SALDRU/CSSR Working Paper #106).


The impact of parental death on school enrollment and achievement: Longitudinal evidence from South Africa

Case, A.; Ardington, C. (SALDRU/CSSR Working Paper #97).

Financial services and the informal economy

Ardington, C.; Leibbrandt, M. (SALDRU/CSSR Working Paper #66).

Savings, insurance and debt over the post-apartheid period: A review of recent research

Ardington, C.; Lam, D.; Leibbrandt, M.; Levinsohn, J. (SALDRU/CSSR Working Paper #65).