Events & Lectures

For the foreseeable future, ARCE DC is holding its lectures on Zoom. Our schedule is based on east-coast US time.

Vase commemorating the Heb Sed of King Pepi I, 

Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland

The Heb Sed: A Royal Party for 2024!

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt ruled for life. For a ruler blessed with longevity, it was customary to celebrate a great anniversary festival, the heb sed, in year 30 of the reign. 

This royal jubilee emphasized his/her vitality and worthiness to continue ruling, and endowed the physical body with fitness to continue as ruler. The kingdom-wide celebration of feasting, parades, religious processions, and new buildings was sometimes repeated over the next decade at the pharaoh’s command.  We find documentation for these events inscribed in stone across the breadth of Egypt.


While it’s hard to evoke the excitement of cheering crowds and joyous entertainment in a Zoom format, ARCE DC intends to celebrate our 35th year as a chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt by sharing information on key elements of heb seds: gold, feasts, rituals, building, publicity, murals, and symbolism. These will be worked into lectures, and sporadic posts on the chapter’s Facebook page. We hope you come join the celebrations!

The Red Monastery, south apse

When: Sunday, August 18, 2024, at 1 pm (eastern US time) on Zoom

Presented by: Dr. Agnieszka E. Szymańska 

Luxor Temple

Support the chapter

Are you interested in giving us a hand?

Great! You can contribute to a speaker's honorarium, and the administrative and technology costs associated with running a chapter these days. 

This kind of support allows us to devote resources to booking the best speakers from around the world.

If you'd like to do this, let us know— at gmail dot com.