Assignment Four

Below you will find 100 points worth of options. You can complete up to 60 points worth of options.

Send your work to

Suggested due date: December 31st / May 31st

The subject of your email should be Apparition - Assignment 4 - HOL Name. Please include your HOL name and House in the body of your email. Failure to do so will result in the loss of 5 points for the assignment.

No attachments will be accepted.

Should you rely on assistive technology or have any other needs that should be taken into account, please contact me and we can discuss other options for certain parts of the assignments.

Fill in the Blank (10 points)

1. The ______ part of ________ is the ________!

2. If you are scared or not completely sure you want to ________, you will not be able to do so or you will do so __________.

3. Once you are ________ to Apparate and focused on your ________, you must ____ without _____, but with ________.

True or False (10 points)

Identify the statements below as True or False. If it is False, correct it please.

1. When you first Apparate, you will likely only see color around you.

2. Most people do not get sick the first time they Apparate.

3. The three D's of Apparition are Destination, Determination, and Deliberation.

4. You should lay your hoop on the ground and stand approximately fifty feet away from it.

5. If you are scared or not completely sure you want to Apparate, you will not be able to do so or you will do so unsuccessfully.

6. It is easy to Apparate to a destination you have never visited before.

7. It is ok to have other things on your mind besides your destination.

8. It is easy to breathe while Apparating.

9. Apparition may also bother your eyes and your ears.

10. Harry Potter once described Apparition as being "forced through a very tight rubber tube."

Short Answer (10 points)

Now that you have experienced Apparition, what do you think of it as a method of transportation? 100 words minimum.

Short Answer (10 points)

Explain your process when trying to Apparate. Is there anything unique that you do? 100 words minimum.

Jigsaw Puzzle (20 points)

Solve this jigsaw puzzle. Send me a screenshot of the completed puzzle.

Creative (20 points)

Draw a picture of your first attempt at Apparition. It must be original work.

Writing (20 points)

Write a journal entry about your first attempt to Apparate. Were you successful? What will you do differently next time? 200 words minimum.