Apna Skool COVID-19 relief work for migrant brick-kiln workers

The lockdown since March 2020 due the Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic, has led to the discontinuation of the functioning of these schools. Since mid-day meal programme is a regular feature in all the Apna Skool education centres, owning to the current situation, these children have been deprived of one nutritious meal they used to get. Therefore, the Apna Skool team, on a weekly basis since March 2020, has been distributing raw food materials to all the students and their families. (5 Kg Rice, 3 kg Flour, 3 Kg Pulses, 1 Lt oil, 1 Kg Salt, 1 soap). We have been generously supported by many donors for the relief activities during this period. (Azim Premji Foundation , Asha Silicon Valley, AID Portland , Pragati Foundation, Dynatech Marketing Company and many individual donors.)

First phase of relief work

Family covered in first phase: 716

Food materials distributed: 6126 kg (Rice, Flour, Pulses) , 473.5 litre Oil, 435 kg Salt and 649 unit soaps

Second Phase of relief work

Family covered in second phase: 1112

Food materials distributed (Rice, Flour, Pulses combined ) : 11859 kg, Oil: 859 Litre, Salt: 1112 kg, Soap: 1112 units

Third phase distribution

Family covered in third phase:  1247

Food materials distributed (Rice, Flour, Pulses combined): 29062 kg, Oil: 2494 Litre, Salt: 1247 kg, Soap: 1247 units