Activity of Mar. 14, 2011

Post date: Mar 13, 2011 7:0:30 AM

We'll begin with a post-mortem of the test, in particular a discussion of the Comparable and Comparator interfaces. The question involving a SimpleFraction is available as an Eclipse project with a short-term offer (due Thursday) worth 2/3 of your lost points for a correct implementation. The value is prorated for partially correct revisions.

Next up is GridWorld2, the second week of the AP case study. Although it encompasses only part 3, it is a quite large. It includes several question sets which require you to read code, but then also a group project that involves the specification and design of a new Jumper class. You'll code it individually, but the testing will be divided up in order to save time.

We may make use of a form to help with the review of the Comparable and Comparator interfaces today.