MT2123 Advanced Linear Algebra

(August 24 semester, IISER Pune)

Instructor: Dr Anupam Singh

Audience: 2nd year BS-MS students at IISER Pune

Schedule: TBA

Evaluation : Quizzes - 4 x 10 = 40%,   mid-sem - 30%,   end-sem - 30%

Prerequisite: Linear Algebra

Goal of the course: This course goes into depth on the subject of linear algebra. While the basic course on linear algebra mostly focuses on solving equations using matrices, here we study the abstract vector spaces over arbitrary fields. The subject of linear algebra is fundamental to Mathematics, Physics, Data Sciences and any computation via modelling. In this course, we learn diagonalization and canonical forms for linear maps. We explore the close connection between Linear algebra and the geometry of Euclidean spaces.

Proposed Content

Textbooks and reference material :

Related courses taught in the past: MTH 390   January-April 2009      Vector Space, Rings and Modules  MTH320     MT 1223 Linear Algebra

Are you bored? Try these exercisesFrom Linear Algebra to Algebraic Groups

Weekly topics covered :