
Module Theory (IISER, Pune)

MTH 390 January-April 2009

Reference :

    • Further Linear Algebra : Blyth and Robertson

    • Algebra : Dummit and Foote

    • Advanced Linear Algebra : Ronan

    • On the Conjugacy Classes in the Unitary, Symplectic and Orthogonal groups : G. E. Wall, J. Austr. Math. Soc. 3 (1963) 1-62

    • Numbers of Conjugacy Classes in Some Finite Classical Groups : I. G. Macdonal Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. vol 23 (1981), 23-48

This is an elective course offered this semester.

Course Content :

Modules, Structure Theory of Modules over PID, Application to Conjugacy classes in GL_n(F), Rational and Jordan Canonical Forms, Conjugacy Classes in Orthogonal Groups etc.

Time : It's a 3 credit course. We will meet 2 hours a week.

Prerequisite : Group Theory, Vector Spaces.

Grading Method : One end-sem exam + regular presentations + a project.

Topics Covered :

Revision of Vector Spaces and Linear Transformation, Conjugacy in GL_n, Similarity of Linear Transformation, Modules over a ring, Vector space as k[X]-module for a given L.T., Jordon Canonical Forms, Nilpotent Transformation, Semisimple transformation, Jordan Decomposition of a Linear Transformation, Canonical Forms, Structure Theory of Modules over PID, Revisit to Jordan Canonical and rational Canonical Forms.

Reports on the content of the course by students:

  1. Arvind - Free Modules over Z, Free Modules over PID