
Vector Space, Rings and Modules MTH320

(January - April 2015)

Instructor : Dr. Anupam Singh

Schedule : Lectures on Monday and Tuesday at 11:30

Tutorials on Thursday at 13:30

Evaluation : Test I 25%

mid sem exam 25%

Test II / mini-projects 25%

end sem exam 25%

Prerequisite : None

Goal of the course :

To understand linear algebra better and see its application. We hope to be able to visualize, at least familiarize ourselves, more than 3 dimensional spaces.

Proposed Course Content :

Vector Spaces, Matrices and linear transformations. Diagonalisation and upper triangulation. Bilinear Forms, Orthogonal and Symplectic groups.

Rings, homomorphisms, ideals and quotient rings. Chinese remainder theorem, field of fractions of an integral domain.

Modules, homomorphisms, Structure theory of finitely generated modules over PID.

Jordan and rational canonical forms of matrices, Revisit Linear groups.

Textbooks and references :

  1. Linear Algebra : Hoffman and Kunze

  2. Further Linear Algebra: Blyth and Robertson

  3. Abstract Algebra: Dummit and Foote

  4. Advanced Linear Algebra : Roman

Topics for mini projects :

  • Classification of finite simple groups - Simplicity of PSL(n,k)

  • Simplicity of PSp(2l,k)

  • Cartan-Dieudonne Theorem

  • Introduction to Linear Algebraic Groups

  • Introduction to Lie Algebras

  • Mathematics behind Robotics

  • Using Quaternions in graphics - Gimble lock problem

  • Parabolic subgroups of GL(n,k)

  • Irreducible representations of finite Abelian groups

  • Tensor product and Determinant using exterior power

  • Application in Mathbiology/Operations Research

  • Jordan Decomposition and application to computing exponential

  • Using BLENDER to design 3D animations

  • C-programme to compute Bruhat Decomposition

  • Programme to compute Jordan Canonical form

  • Topological groups - Matrix Groups

  • Perron-Frobenius theorem

  • Linear algebra and internet search engines

  • Lorentz group

5 January - Introduction, definition of field and vector space

6 January - examples

8 January - Linear dependence and linear independence

12 January - Basis and dimension

13 January - Existence of basis and coordinates

15 January - Tutorial - All exercises of Chapter 2 and 3 from Hoffman and Kunze

Assignment I

19 January - Linear Transformation, matrix of a linear transformation

20 January - Rank-Nullity Theorem, Dual Vector space

22 January - Change of basis, Similar matrices

Assignment II

26 January - Holiday

27 January - Tutorial

29 January - Tutorial

30 January - Test - I at 10AM.

Test I

02 February - Dual Vector Space, Hyperplanes, Solving a system of Linear equations (geometric view point)

03 February - Double Dual, Transpose of a linear map

05 February - Tutorial

09 February - Eigen values, eigen vectors, similarity classes / conjugacy classes

10 February - characteristic and minimal polynomials

12 February - Tutorial

16 February - Rings, properties of Polynomial Ring k[X]

17 February - Holiday

19 February - Tutorial

Assignment - III

Mid Sem Exam 24 February at 3PM Mid-sem-exam

02 March - Cayley-Hamilton theorem

03 March - diagonalisation and triangulation

05 March - No Class

09 March - Block-diagonal decomposition

10 March - Quotient space and Triangulation

12 March - Tutorial

Assignment - IV

16 March - Classification of Nilpotent Matrices

17 March - Jordan Canonical Forms

19 March - Tutorial

23 March - Rings with identity, ideal, homomorphism

24 March - Quotient ring, example of Z and k[X]

26 March - Class rescheduled for 27 March due to India-Australia world cup match

27 March - Tutorial

30 March - Modules over a ring

31 March - Structure theory of Module over PID

02 April - Mini project presentations - day long

03 April - Mini project presentations - whole day

06 April - No lecture due to Foundation day celebrations

07 April - Bilinear forms, symmetric and symmetric forms, orthogonal and symplectic groups

09 April - Classification of symmetric and skew-symmetric bilinear forms

Assignment - V

13 April - Sesqui-linear forms and unitary groups

14 April - Test II

16 April - Quaternions and Orthogonal groups

18 April - Tutorials

24 April - End-sem exam