
You can find the detailed list of my publications here

SELECTED Publications

Rekik, R., Wuhrer, S., Hoyet, L., Zibrek, K., & Olivier, A. H. (2024). A Survey on Realistic Virtual Human Animations: Definitions, Features and Evaluations. Computer Graphics Forum.

Bilhaut, A., Ménard, M., Roze, O., Crétual, A., & Olivier, A. H. (2023). Locomotion behavior of chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain (cNSLBP) participants while walking through apertures. Gait & Posture.

Chatagnon, T., Olivier, A. H., Hoyet, L., Pettré, J., & Pontonnier, C. (2023). Stepping strategies of young adults undergoing sudden external perturbation from different directions. Journal of Biomechanics, 157, 111703.

Colas, A., van Toll, W., Zibrek, K., Hoyet, L., Olivier, A. H., & Pettré, J. (2022). Interaction Fields: Intuitive Sketch‐based Steering Behaviors for Crowd Simulation. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 41, No. 2, pages. 521-534.

Snyder, N., Cinelli, M., Rapos, V., Crétual, A., & Olivier, A. H. (2022). Collision avoidance strategies between two athlete walkers: Understanding impaired avoidance behaviours in athletes with a previous concussion. Gait & Posture, 92, pages 24-29.

Berton, F., Grzeskowiak, F., Bonneau, A., Jovane, A., Aggravi, M., Hoyet, L., Olivier, A. H, Pacchierotti, C. & Pettré, J. (2022). Crowd navigation in vr: exploring haptic rendering of collisions. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(7), pages 2589-2601

Brument, H., Bruder, G., Marchal, M., Olivier, A. H., & Argelaguet, F. (2021). Understanding, Modeling and Simulating Unintended Positional Drift during Repetitive Steering Navigation Tasks in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

Rapos, V., Cinelli, M. E., Grunberg, R., Bourgaize, S., Cretual, A., & Olivier, A. H. (2021). Collision avoidance behaviours between older adult and young adult walkers. Gait & Posture, 88, 210-215.

Lynch, S. D., Kulpa, R., Meerhoff, L. A., Sorel, A., Pettré, J., Olivier, A. H. (2021) Influence of path curvature on collision avoidance behaviour between two walkers. Experimental Brain Research 239 (1), 329-340, 2021.

Dommès, A., Merlhiot, G., Lobjois, R., Dang, N. T., Vienne, F., Boulo, J., Olivier, A. H., Crétual, A. & Cavallo, V. (2021). Young and older adult pedestrians’ behavior when crossing a street in front of conventional and self-driving cars. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 159, 106256

Brument, H., Olivier, A. H., Marchal, M., Argelaguet, F., Does the Control Law Matter? Characterization and Evaluation of Control Laws for Virtual Steering Navigation. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence - Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE), (Online), December 2-4, 2020.

Duverné, T., Rougnant, T., Le Yondre, F., Berton, F., Bruneau, J., Zibrek, K., Pettré, J., Hoyet, L., Olivier, AH. Effect of social settings on proxemics during social interactions in real and virtual conditions. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Pages 3-19, 2020. 

Zibrek, K., Niay, B., Olivier, AH., Hoyet, L., Pettré, J., McDonnell R. Walk this way: Evaluating the effect of perceived gender and attractiveness of motion on proximity in virtual reality. ACM Transaction on Applied Perception, Volume 17 (4), pages 1-15, 2020.

Niay, B., Olivier, A.H., Zibrek, K., Pettré J., Hoyet, L. Walk Ratio: Perception of an Invariant Parameter of Human Walk on Virtual Characters. Symposium on Applied Perception 2020 (SAP), (Online), September 17-18, 2020.

Berton, F., Hoyet, L.,Olivier,  AH., Bruneau, J., Le Meur, O., Pettré, J. Gaze Activity in Crowds: Impact of Virtual Reality and Density. IEEE VR 2020, Atlanta, USA (Online) March 22-26, 2020.

Berton, F., Olivier, A.H., Bruneau, J., Hoyet, L., Pettré, J., Studying Gaze Behaviour During Collision Avoidance With a Virtual Walker: Influence of the Virtual Reality Setup. IEEE VR 2019, Osaka, Japan, March 24-27, 2019.

Brument, H., Podkosova, I., Kaufmann, H., Olivier, A.H., Argelaguet, F., Virtual vs. Physical Navigation in VR: Study of Gaze and Body Segments Temporal Reorientation Behaviour. IEEE VR 2019, Osaka, Japan, March 24-27, 2019.

Meerhoff, L., Bruneau, J., Vu, A., Olivier, AH., Pettré, J. (2018) Guided by gaze: Prioritization strategy when navigating through a virtual crowd can be assessed through gaze activity. Acta Psychologica

Vassallo, C., Olivier, AH., Souères, P., Crétual, A., Stasse, O., Pettré, J. (2018) How do walkers behave when crossing the way of a mobile robot that replicates human interaction rules? Gait and Posture, Volume 60, pages 188-193.

Lynch, S., Kulpa, R., Meerhoff, L., Pettré, J., Crétual, A., Olivier, AH. (2017) Collision avoidance behavior between walkers: global and local motion cues. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

Olivier, AH., Bruneau, J., Kulpa, R., Pettré, J. (2017) Walking with virtual people: Evaluation of locomotion interfaces in dynamic environments. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 24(7), pages 2251-2263.

Hoyet, L., Olivier, AH., Kulpa, R., Pettré, J. (2016) Perceptual effect of Shoulder Motions on Crowd. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 35 (4).

Olivier, AH., Marin, A., Crétual, A., Pettré, J. (2012) Minimal predicted distance: a common metric for collision avoidance during pairwise interactions between walkers. Gait and Posture 2012, vol. 36, pages 399-404.

Invited talks