PEDR since October 2018


" Coordinations visuo-motrices durant la locomotion : une approche croisée entre les Sciences du Mouvement et les Sciences du Numérique pour l’analyse des facteurs situationnels et individuels impliqués dans les interactions entre marcheurs"

Jury : Christine Assaiante (Rapporteur, Aix Marseille Université), Bradford McFadyen (Rapporteur, Université Laval, Canada), Catherine Pelachaud (Rapporteur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Katja Mombaur (Examinatrice, Université de Waterloo, Canada), Christophe Bourdin (Président, Aix-Marseille Université).

"Analysis in the curvature-velocity space of direction changing during walking"

Advisors : Dr Armel Crétual and Pr Alain Berthoz

Jury: Mrs Christine Chevallereau, Pr Guy Chéron, Pr Gilles Montagne




I am an associate professor at Rennes 2 Sports Science University teaching to 1st to 5th year students. Since Sept. 2018, I am the co-director of the Master program in Adapted Physical Activity.

My teaching activity is about:

Scientific and EDITORIAL Responsibilities


Local Collaborations

National Collaborations

International Collaborations

Student Supervision

PhD Students

Post-Doc Students

Post-Doc Mobility

Master Students

NB: this is a non exhaustive list of students. Students below were the one supervised on master thesis related to my research topics

Undergraduate students

Engineer Students