
Please call and leave a message to schedule a massage for a gift certificate. Square redemption codes do not work in massagebook. I do not sell or accept massagebook gift cards. 

Therapeutic Massage- A massage tailored to your specific needs. Combines trigger point therapy, swedish and structural bodywork techniques. Pressure can vary from light to medium depending on your preference.  

60mins/$75  90mins/$105

Prenatal Massage- Anna's Bodywork offers prenatal massage for Women in their second or third trimester. If you are in your first trimester I may require you to bring a doctor's note. Anna's Bodywork only uses light to medium pressure for prenatal massages. 


CBD oil massage- CBD is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis. Using CBD oil topically can enhance your massage making it more relaxing and effective. Anna's Bodywork bodywork uses a custom CBD massage oil made from hemp. 



Aromatherapy -Essential oils are added to the session. Choose from basic scents like orange, eucalyptus, lavender and mint. Or exclusive mixes by Anna's bodywork. Pricing: $5 add on. 

Sound bowl therapy session- Sound bowls have been used for meditation and relaxation for thousands of years. Bowls are placed  on/ around the body and played in order to reduce stress and tension, induce relaxation and balance chakras. 

Pricing: 3omins/ $45 

Hot Himalayan Salt Stones- (used with organic coconut oil) Heated Himilayan salt stones are incorporated into the session. The stones warm up/loosen your muscles and joints. Minerals are absorbed through the skin and the warmth from the stones feels amazing. The salt stones contain up to 86 different minerals and ionize/purify the air.

Red Light Therapy and Massage

10-15 minutes of red/infrared light therapy and a therapeutic massage.(You will still receive 60 to 90 minutes of hands on massage time). Light therapy can relax muscles, decrease pain and inflammation. On a cellular level these particular light wavelengths can help detoxify the body, increase collagen production and create cell energy. Light therapy is not recommended for individuals with cancer, epilepsy, who are pregnant or taking certain kinds of antibiotics and medications that cause photosensitivity.