Red Light Therapy

Otherwise known as photobiomodulation

Now offering Red light therapy! There has been thousands of studies regarding Red/Infrared light therapy. Infrared and Red light works at a cellular level to help reduce pain/inflammation and boost well being. Light therapy can energize cells and encourage regeneration. Unlike UV light, Red/Infrared light will not burn the skin and does not carry risks. Anna's Bodywork uses a LED panel with both red and infrared wavelengths.  This allows the light to penetrate the skin and deep within the tissues to blood supply, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Near infrared light can reach as deep as 100mm or about four inches into the tissues. 

Benefits of Red/Infrared therapy: Reduces pain, reduces stress, reduces inflammation,  creates more cell energy, increases collagen production, accelerates wound healing, balancing/calming, non-invasive and no side effects. 

To prepare for your RLT session please arrive with clean skin free of lotions or serums. Lotions can reflect and block out light. It is also recommended that you arrive hydrated and drink plenty of water after your light session. 

Schedule online to receive a light therapy session combined with your customized massage or as a stand alone treatment. Infrared/RLT can relax the muscles, reduce inflammation and assist in enhancing the healing effects of your massage. For more infomation email me at

Schedule your light session here:

Schedule your 20 minute Light Therapy session here

*Red light therapy is not recommended for individuals who are pregnant, have seizures, have photosensitivity or are taking medications that can cause photosensitivity(such as some kinds of antibiotics, skin topicals). 

Anna's Bodywork cannot diagnose or prescribe for any medical, chiropractic or psychological conditions. Anna's Bodywork doesn't prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any conditions or diseases. Clients or customers agree to make their own decisions, in conjunction with chosen medical provider or professionals. Anna's Bodywork can only educate individuals on the benefits of light therapy and provide scientific research as far as studies regarding RLT.

Use the following links below for more information: 

This is a quick overview of what red and infrared light therapy is.

Pubmed is a good resource to find studies about RLT.