
Welcome to my homepage!

I am Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the Department of Economics of the University of Insubria in Varese

I received my PhD from the Department of Economics, University College London.

My fields of interest are Migration, Labour Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Innovation and Big Data

My other affiliations:

NEWS! I will contribute to a big new project awarded to the great Max Nathan on Diversity and UK Firm Performance with a brilliant team: Jon Reades at CASA, Tom Kemeny (QMUL), Ceren Ozgen (Birmingham) and Anna Valero (LSE).

Read more on this here

Contacts details

Email: annacecilia.rosso [@] uninsubria.it

Mailing address:

Department of Economics

Universita' degli Studi dell'Insubria

via Monte Generoso, 71

21100 Varese 
