Stochastic Processes

I have taught this course earlier. The web page for that can be found here.

Venue: LHC 304

Schedule: MON, TUE, & THU 12-13Hr


  1. 02/01 Discrete-time Markov Chain, Chapman-Kolmogorov equation.

  2. 06/01 Definition of Markov processes on a Polish space. An alternative defn of DT MC.

  3. 07/01 Continuous-time MC, Embedded chain, Sojourn time, TPM, transition function, Rate matrix, semigroup property of Transition functions. derivation of an Integral equation for transition functions.

  4. 09/01 Differentiability of transition function.

  5. 13/01 Recapitulation of backward and forward equations. The explosion of a Markov chain.

  6. 16/01 Reuter’s criterion

  7. 17/01 Recapitulation of some properties of an independent collection of the exponential random variables. Birth & Death process, rate matrix. Application of Reuter's criterion: necessary and sufficient condition of non-explosion.

  8. 20/01 Branching process as a B&D process: derivation of the forward and backward equation of transition functions. Two-state B&D processes: expression of transition function by solving the backward equation, the study of asymptotic. The Poisson process as a pure birth process. derivation of transition function for a general pure birth process.

  9. 21/01 Classification of states, Definition of transient, recurrent and positive recurrent states; irreducibility, aperiodicity.

  10. 23/01 Stationary distribution of a Markov process. The convergence of the number of visits per unit time.

  11. 27/01 Limit of the empirical measure of an irreducible positive recurrent process.

  12. 28/01 An expression of the stationary distribution for an irreducible positive recurrent process.

  13. 30/01 Definition of Brownian motion. Finite-dimensional distribution of a stochastic process, co-ordinate process, Kolmogorov's extension theorem.

  14. 03/02 Existence of a probability measure on ℝ[0,∞) such that the coordinate process has independent stationary Gaussian increments.

  15. 04/02 The concept of modification, statement of Kolmogorov Centsov Theorem and proof part 1

  16. 06/02 Kolmogorov Centsov Theorem proof part 2. Application: construction of Brownian motion as a modification of the coordinate process.

  17. 10/02 Quiz 1

  18. 11/02 Multidimensional Brownian motion, and its Markov and martingale property.

  19. 13/02 Reflection Principle, Distribution of hitting time. Quadratic variation of a deterministic function along a sequence of partitions.

  20. 17/02 Revision and tutorial on Brownian motion

  21. 18/02 Revision and tutorial on Brownian motion

  22. 24/02 Midsem 10-12

  23. 02/03 Motivation of stochastic integral, the importance of measuring quadratic variation, optional time and stopping time, Optional sampling theorem (page 6 and Th 3.22 ch1 [3]) [Link]

  24. 03/03 Class D and DL, Doob Meyer decomposition, Natural process (4.5, 4.8, 4.10 of ch1 [3])

  25. 05/03 quadratic variation of a square-integrable continuous martingale M2c. (5.3, 5.8 of ch1 [3]) Equivalent classes of integrands using a measure on the product space.(page 130 of ch 3 [3]).

  26. 12/03 A norm on L(M), the space of integrands w.r.t. a given M2c integrator. Space of simple processes L0 (Dfn 2.1, 2.3 ch 3 [3])

  27. 13/03 (Extra Class) L0, the space of simple processes, stochastic integration I(X) of simple processes. (Dfn 2.3, 2.6 ch 3 [3])
    Physical class stops. Online class resumes a month later.

  28. 16/04 Recapitulation of the definitions and results.

  29. 23/04 The space of square-integrable rcll martingale M2, and closed subspace M2c under || || metric. Integration I is an isometry. (page 137-138 [3])

  30. 30/04 Construction of stochastic integral (the L2 Theory), quadratic variation of the integral. (page 138-139 [3])

  31. 07/05 Proof of Optional Sampling Theorem (OST.pdf)

  32. 14/05 Properties of stochastic integral (page 140-144 [3])

  33. 21/05 Stochastic integral w.r.t. continuous local martingales: Definition and properties. Statement of Ito's formula (page 145-147 [3])

  34. 28/05 Statement of the Ito's formula and the first part of the proof.

  35. 04/06 Remaining part of the proof of Ito's formula.

  36. 11/06 Meaning of stochastic differential equations and some examples. (presentation13A.pdf)














Grading Criteria

Grade Distribution



50 (SD=28)



O ≥ 95, A ≥ 74, B ≥ 50, C ≥ 30, D ≥ 16, F<16

presentation05.pdf - Brownian motion and its quadratic variation

presentation04.pdf - Stochastic integral w.r.t. continuous local martingales

OST.pdf - Proof of Optional Sampling Theorem

Link3 - A Video lecture on stochastic processes, filtration, measurability of processes

Link 2 - A Video lecture on conditional expectation

Link 1 - A Video lecture on Kolmogorov’s model of probability, random variable

Lecture03.pdf - L^2 theory of stochastic integration and its properties