Acceptence Letter

From: Editorial Office []

Sent: 2009年9月25日 11:53

To: Ma,Lena Q


Subject: CJM File: A09-053, 09-199 - Revise Manuscript

September 25, 2009

FILE: A09-053, 09-199

Dr. Lena Ma

University of Florida

2169 McCarty Hall

Gainesville, FL 32611-0290

United States

Dear Dr. Ma:

Re: Characterization of Arsenic-Resistant Bacteria from the Rhizosphere of Arsenic Hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L.

This manuscript, as well as the one denoted 09-209, has been reviewed by two external experts and by the Editorial Board.

Editorial Board Comments:

Overall, we feel that the work is publishable but we will require that both these manuscripts be merged into one single paper. Unfortunately, we have significant limitation on the number of pages that we are able to publish and we feel that the overall theme of arsenic resistance is well covered in both manuscripts. Combining them into a single manuscript will result in a stronger product. The single manuscript should focus on: the diversity of the rhizosphere microbial community; the extent of Ars resistance amongst community members; and Ars resistance mechanisms - including the observation that the relevant genes were not constitutive, and the cross protection against osmotic stress. In addition, both reviewers have made other comments that will improve this work and we request that these comments also be addressed in a single revised manuscript.


Drs. J.J. Germida and H.G. Deneer



cc: Dr. Gideon Wolfaardt