How Healthy Are We?


1. We Are Christ-Centred

We are Christ-centred in who we are and what we do as Anglicans. We know Jesus is always in our midst. We

continually turn to him as the Way, the Truth and the Life, and we work together as the Body of Christ.

2. We Make Disciples for Christ

As a church congregation and as individuals, we are deliberately active in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ

through the witness of our words and our daily lives.

3. We Offer Our Best in Our Worship of God

Our worship services are to the glory of God and are the best that we can offer him. Our worship touches our hearts

and is personally meaningful. Respecting and building on our Anglican tradition of worshiping God “in the beauty of

holiness” we seek not only to glorify God, but to encourage and edify those who worship with us.

4. We are Intergenerational and Multi-Cultural

We recognize that the future of our church depends on bringing new members into our congregation. In worship and

in parish life we invite, welcome and engage people from all age groups and cultural backgrounds. We are especially

aware of the importance of attracting young families, children and youth.

5. We Share Leadership and Responsibility

We use all the gifts that God has given to us as we strive to build up the Body of Christ, which is the Church. To that

end our clergy and our lay members share leadership responsibilities, and work well together.

6. We Give Generously for the Work of the Church

We recognize the need to give of ourselves and our resources, each according to our means, so that our church may

prosper and grow in the service of God. We accept and teach what the Bible tells us about faith, money, ‘first fruits’

giving and the generous offering to God of our time, talent and treasure.

7. We Share What God Has Given Us as We Reach Out to Others

God’s love in Christ is shown in our compassion for those in need, spiritually and materially. As a parish we reach

outside our local church(es) to help those around us and in our community(ies). Through our contributions to the

diocese and the national church, as well as other missionary and aid organizations, we show that love to the world.

8. We Want to Grow Spiritually and Numerically

We are addressing our members’ desire to know and love God more deeply through prayer, study and

encouragement. We are also striving to add to our membership both for our benefit and the benefit of those who are

not yet active members of the Body of Christ.

9. We Communicate Positively and Live in Harmony with One Another

We accept the Apostle Paul’s guidance that we “speak the truth in love.” Presuming good will in others, we respect

and see value in views that may differ from our own. We listen carefully and sympathetically to one another, and we

regularly share information and ideas within our diocese, archdeaconries and deaneries as well as in our own


10. We Know What It Means to be Anglican and We Share Our Diocesan Vision

We know what it means to be Anglican, and we know we are part of a larger church family. We do all we can to

support others within our diocese, through encouraging words and the sharing of our resources. As members of the

Anglican Church of Canada in the Diocese of Fredericton, we affirm our commitment to work together to accomplish

our shared mission, which is “to proclaim the Gospel for the making of disciples.”

Rural and/or Struggling Parish Task Force

Synod 2009

Diocese of Fredericton