Outreach Ministries

Mission Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mission to Vanuatu

We welcomed the Cummings family back as our special guest presenters, and again they provided a very engaging, inspirational report of the Lord's work abroad through the offerings of Bibles, prayer and friendship. They represent Gideons' Canada, an organization that is comprised of Christians from many denominations, including Anglicans.


Summer, 2013 Updates

✞ Financial support to PWRDF Calgary


✞ Financial support to Parish of Bright oil


✞ Sent 5 children to Camp Brookwood

✞ Graduation gifts for two of our youth

Good Samaritan Foodbank, ongoing donations.


News from Uganda.

Please visit the diocesan website for newsletters.

Anglican Diocese of Fredericton http://anglican.nb.ca


On Sunday, May 26, our Mission and Outreach Committee hosted a visit from "Freddy" Frederick Wangabo Mwenengabo and two of his friends. Freddy is a very engaging speaker; a man who has suffered injustice and torture, and advocates for "Peace in our Time." Education is an agent of change. Solidarity in the face of injustice magnifies the voice of the oppressed. Prayer changes things.

Please watch for the upcoming update from Lorraine Stiles, parish communications officer and member of the Mission and Outreach team.