
Working Experience

Sep 2015 - present



Sep 2014 - Aug 2015

Sep 2013 - Aug 2014



May 2013 - Aug 2013

Mar 2009 - May 2013



Sep 2007 - Aug 2008

Associate professor (HDR) in Computer Science

Laboratory IRISA - Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, Team CAIRN,

Dep. Computer Science and Electronics (ISTIC)

University of Rennes 1

Rennes, France

Habilitation to supervise research in Computer Science (11/2022)

MathSTIC, University of Rennes 1

Rennes, France

Title: “Real-time and reliable design of safety-critical embedded systems”

Leave for Research or Thematic Conversions (CRCT) (01/2020 - 06/2020)

Virtual (COVID’19)

Title: “Design space exploration Approaches for Reliable Embedded systems

Assistant professor in Computer Science

Laboratory IRISA - Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, Team CAIRN,

Dep. Computer Science and Electronics (ISTIC)

University of Rennes 1

Rennes, France

Post-doctoral researcher

Modeling and Information Processing Department (DTIM)

French Aeronautics and Space Research Center (ONERA)

Toulouse, France

Title: “Run-time control for mixed -critical systems on multicores”

Directors: Claire Pagetti (ONERA), Matthieu Roy (Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of systems - LAAS) and Christine Rochange (Institute of Computer Science of Toulouse - IRIT)

Teaching assistant (01/2014 - 06/2014)

Dep. of Networks and Telecommunications

Superior National School of Electronics, Electrical engineering, Computer science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications (ENSEEIHT), Institute National Polytechnic (INP)

Toulouse, France

Post-doctoral researcher

Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Title: “Development of methodologies for memory management and design space exploration of SW/HW computer architectures for designing embedded systems”

Director: Costas Goutis (ECE)

PhD Diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Grade: Excellent

Title: “Development of methodologies for memory management and design space exploration of SW/HW computer architectures for designing embedded systems”

Director: Costas Goutis (ECE)

Teaching assistant (09/2011 - 08/2012)

Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Non-tenured Lecturer (09/2010 - 08/2011)

i. Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece (TEI)

ii. Public Institute of Vocational Training of Patras (IEK)

iii. Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), School of Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Teaching assistant

Dep. Computer Engineering & Informatics (CEID)

School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Other University Titles

Oct 2007 - Feb 2009


Sep 2001 - May 2007


Sep 1995 - Jun 2001

Master of Science (McS) in Hardware and Software Integrated Systems,

Dep. Computer Engineering & Informatics (CEID)

School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Grade: 9.67/10 (1st ranked among 15)

Master Internship (08/2008 - 02/2009)

Inter-university Microelectronics Center (IMEC)

Leuven, Belgium

Title: “Low cost low energy embedded processor for online biotechnology monitoring applications”

Directors: Francky Catthoor (IMEC), Daniel Berckmans (Dep. Biosystems, KULeuven, Belgium), Huisken Jos (Holst Centre, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) and Costas Goutis (ECE, Patras, Greece)

Diploma of Engineer (BSc and MSc) in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Grade: 8.22/10 (1st ranked among 245)

Master: “Computer and electronics”

Master internship (09/2006 - 02/2007)

Laboratory Applied Electronics, ECE, Patras, Greece

Title: “Parallel processing in multithreaded environments”

Director: Stefanos Kaxiras

Erasmus (02/2006 - 07/2006)

Dep. Applied Informatics

School of Engineering, University of Valencia

Valencia, Spain

High School, Piraeus, Greece (19.3/20)


2019 - 2023

Sep 2011 - Mar 2013

Mar 2009

May 2007

Sep 2002 - Aug 2004   

Sep 1995 - Aug 2001

Research & PhD supervision award (Prime d'Endcadrement Doctoral et de Recherche - PEDR) 

French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France

PhD Fellowship

Public Welfare Foundation Propondis, Piraeus, Greece

Award for academic excellence in the Master of Science “Integrated Software and Hardware Systems”

Dep. Computer Engineering and Informatics (CEID)

School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Award for academic excellence (ranking first) in Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

 School of Engineering, University of Patras

Patras, Greece

Award for academic excellence in the academic years (2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05) in the Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Greek Ministry of National Education


Award for academic excellence in the academic years (1995-96, 1996-97, 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2000-2001)

Greek Ministry of National Education









Mother tongue

Proficient User (C2)

University of Michigan, Certificate of Proficiency in English, March 2001

University of Cambridge, Certificate in Advanced English, December 1999

University of Cambridge, First Certificate in English, June 1996

Proficient User (C2)

Independent User (B2)

Instituto de Cervantes, Certificado Basico, November 2006

Independent User (B1)

Goethe Institut, Zertifikat Deutch, June 2004

Elementary User (A1)

Continuous learning

Mar 2023

Jan 2023

Oct 2021

Jan 2021

Nov 2018

Sep 2017

Jan 2017

Dec 2016

Sep 2016

Oct 2008

“Constructing you carrier”, CNRS INS2I, (2 days, Paris, France)

“Learning life-saving techniques”, Union of Firemen of Ille et Vilaine, (0.5 days, Rennes, France)

“Preparation and support for the supervision of doctoral students”, University of Rennes 1 (0.5 days, Rennes, France)

“Harassment awareness”, INRIA Bretagne Atlantique (0.5 days, Rennes, France)

“Learn to read fast”, INRIA Bretagne Atlantique (2 days, Rennes, France)

Summer School “Designing Cyber-Physical Systems - From concepts to implementation: Multi-objective methodologies and tools for self-healing and adaptive systems” (3 days, Alghero, Italy)

“System design based on FPGA Zynq and the developing environment SdSoC”, University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France (2 days, Paris, France)

“Tutorial on GPGPU and Parallel programing”, INRIA Bretagne Atlantique (1 day, Rennes, France)

“Supervise a PhD student”, INRIA Bretagne Atlantique (2 days, Rennes, France)

“Convert MATLAB to efficient C-code” (2 days, Leuven, Belgium)