The Horsehead nebula in Orion

34x120s lights plus calibration files and processed in Siril.  This is different to Affinity in that it is script driven.  Not so sure about the result but will revisit at some point

SkyWatcher explorer 200p, HEQ5 pro mount, ASI294 MC pro, triband filter, guiding and image acquisition by Stellarmate astrophotography tool.

Comet C_2022_E3_ZTF otherwise known as the green comet.

SkyWatcher explorer 200p, HEQ5 pro mount, ASI294 MC pro, triband filter, guiding and image acquisition by Stellarmate astrophotography tool.

M101 with supernova SN2023IXF next to the pink blob in the upper spiral arm.

20 x 300s plus calibration files.

SkyWatcher explorer 200p, HEQ5 pro mount, ASI294 MC pro, triband filter, guiding and image acquisition by Stellarmate astrophotography tool.

Cassiopeia under Bortle 3 skies in west Wales.  50x5s lights, no calibration files, relying instead on software.  

Processing in Affinity photo with software filters to take care of the calibration.

Canon 6D with 24- 105mm zoom lens at 105 mm.