Andrew Smyth
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Economics    Boise State UniversityBoise, ID, USA
smyth.andrew.m [at] gmail [dot] com
Cool Architecture
Cool Books
Working papers
Stochastic-share contestswith Philip Brookins[link]

Published papers
R&D tax credits and innovation with Walter MelnikJournal of Public Economics, Vol. 236 (August 2024)[link]
Cooperation in indefinite games: evidence from red queen gameswith Cortney Rodet Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 208 (April 2023)[link]
Indefinitely repeated contests: an experimental studywith Philip Brookins and Dmitry RyvkinExperimental Economics, vol. 24, 4 (December 2021)[link] [material] [code] 
No mere tautology: the division of labor is limited by the division of laborwith Bart WilsonOxford Economic Papers, vol. 73, 1 (January 2021)[link] [material] 
Competitive blind spots and the cyclicality of investment: experimental evidencewith Cortney RodetSouthern Economic Journal, vol. 87, 1 (July 2020) [link]
An experiment on innovation and collusionEconomic Inquiry, vol. 57, 3 (July 2019)[link]
Testing the boundaries of the double auction: the effects of complete information and market powerwith Erik KimbroughJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 150 (June 2018)[link]
Shakeout in the early commercial airframe industrywith Taylor Jaworski The Economic History Review, vol. 71, 2 (May 2018)[link]
Competition, cost innovation, and x-inefficiency in experimental marketsReview of Industrial Organization, vol. 48, 3 (May 2016)[link] [prize for best article by a younger scholar]
The ecological and civil mainsprings of property: an experimental economic history of whalers' rules of capturewith Bart Wilson, Taylor Jaworski, and Karl SchurterThe Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, vol. 28, 4 (October 2012)[link] [Oliver E. Williamson prize for best article]