
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Is the Gender Pay Gap Largest at the Top? (with Ariel Binder, Amanda Eng and Kendall Houghton) (American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 2024) (link to paper)

Comparing Earnings Outcome Differences Between All Graduates and Title IV Graduates (CES Working Paper 21-19) (Economics of Education Review, August 2022)

Recalculating...: How Uncertainty in Local Labor Market Definitions Affects Empirical Findings (with Mark Kutzbach and Lars Vilhuber) (Applied Economics, January 2021) (link to paper) (Link to replication code)

Pre-publication version

Earlier CES working paper

Releasing Earnings Distributions using Differential Privacy: Disclosure Avoidance System For Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) (with Ashwin Machanavajjhala and Kevin McKinney) (Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, October 2019) (Article)(code for paper)

The Effect of Local Labor Market Downturns on Postsecondary Enrollment and Program Choice (with Michel Grosz) (Education Finance and Policy, Summer 2019) (link to paper) (Pre-publication version

Featured on Inside Higher Ed

The Effect of Lower Transaction Costs on SSDI Application Rates and Participation​ (with Michel Grosz and Stephanie Rennane) (Journal of Policy and Management, July 2018)(link to paper) (RAND Working Paper)

Locate Your Nearest Exit: Mass Layoffs and Local Labor Market Responses (with Michel Grosz and Ann Stevens) (Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2018) (link to paper) (NBER Working Paper) (Pre-Publication Manuscript) (Link to code)

The Effect of Negative House Price Shocks on Migration Decisions: Evidence across U.S. Housing Downturns (Regional Science and Urban Economics, September 2016) (link to paper)

Missed Signals: The Effect of ACT College-Readiness Measures on Post-Secondary Decisions (with Lisa Schulkind and Teny Shapiro) (Economics of Education Review, June 2015) (link to paper)

        Featured on Policy Analysis for California Education blog

Decomposing the Effect of Crime on Population Changes (Demography, April 2015) (link to paper)

        Featured on OpenPop blog

Working Papers

Migration from Sub-National Administrative Data: Problems and Solutions with an Application to Higher Education (with Kevin Stange) (NBER WP) (under review, new draft coming soon)

Is the Gender Pay Gap Largest at the Top? (with Ariel Binder, Amanda Eng and Kendall Houghton) (CES Working Paper)

The Earnings of Bachelor's Degree Holders: Variation in Outcomes by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender (with Amanda Eng and Kendall Houghton) (draft coming soon)

Advance Layoff Notices and Worker Outcomes (with Pawel Krolikowski, Bruce Fallick and Lee Tucker)

It's All a Matter of Degrees: Comparing Survey and Administrative Educational Attainment Data (with Cody Orr and Larry Warren) (draft coming soon)

Technical Notes

Measuring Protection-Induced Errors in Earnings Outcomes from PSEO (link to paper)

A First Look at the Jobs Frame Earnings Distribution (with Hubert Janicki, Stephen Tibbets, Lee Tucker, Larry Warren and Moises Yi) (link to paper)

Book Chapters

Differential Privacy Applications (with Hubert Janicki, Lee Tucker and Matthew Graham)