
"Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is your life." (Proverbs 4:13)

My BA and MA are from the University of Michigan in English Language and Literature. In addition, that's where I completed four years of the PhD program, including my candidacy exams and my dissertation prospectus. My focus in all my degree programs was on language, specifically on how people use language to create community and maintain solidarity. Due to my changing priorities after giving birth to my first child (just a week after finishing my candidacy exams!), I never finished my dissertation and am what is colloquially called "ABD (All But Dissertation)." Despite not having a PhD, I've had a long and successful career in higher education.

My MDiv (Master's of Divinity) is from Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit. I completed the MDiv while working full time at the University of Michigan. Graduating from an ecumenical seminary (with students from many denominations and even different faith traditions like Judaism and Islam) helped me develop a greater understanding of other ways of conceptualizing the Divine and also gave me the opportunity to learn how to clearly articulate my own tradition. In addition, ETS's focus on empowering students to recognize and dismantle systems of oppression in the world and within the church was extremely powerful. Interacting and becoming friends with people across the racial divide that plagues southeastern Michigan was an added benefit.

To complete my "Anglican Dip" and satisfy the canonical requirements for ordination, I took online classes through Church Divinity School of the Pacific and in-person classes through the Whitaker Institute of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan.