
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca:

Lecturer for the course: Global Macroeconomics (part I - 1st year MSc), (course in English), Spring 2022

Lecturer for the course: Global Macroeconomics (part I - 1st year MSc), (course in English), Spring 2021

University of Bath:

Unit author for the courses: Applied Macroeconomics Part A & Part B, Online MSc Applied Economics (Banking & Finance), Spring 2020

Lecturer for the course: Intermediate Macroeconomics 2, (2nd year UG), Spring 2020

Lecturer for the course: Intermediate Macroeconomics 2, (2nd year UG), Spring 2019

Stockholm School of Economics:

Teaching Assistant for the MSc course: Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis, Spring 2018

Teaching Assistant for the MSc course: Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis, Spring 2017

Teaching Assistant for the BSc course: Makroteori och ekonomisk-politisk analys, Spring 2015