Chamber Opera

Opere da camera e Teatro musicale 

1. ZAZIE  da Zazie dans le métro from Raymond Queneau, italian libretto from Franco Fortini, scenes Lele Luzzati, costumes Valentina Delliponti, director Andrea Nicolini. First: Genova, Auditorium Montale of the Teatro Carlo Felice 28.04.2000, Torino Piccolo Regio - 5 roles, 6 instruments (bass clarinet, trombone, violin, double bass, piano, percussion)  80’

2. PINOCCHIO from Carlo Collodi, libretto and director Andrea Nicolini  (only the incidental music) scenes and costumes Valentina Delliponti. Commission Teatro Carlo Felice. First: Genova, Auditorium Montale of the Teatro Carlo Felice 29.01.2002 - 4 roles, 6 instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, basson, piano) - 60’


3. PETER PAN from Walter Berrie libretto and director Andrea Nicolini (incidental music and songs), scenes and costumes Guido Fiorato. Commission Teatro Carlo Felice. First: Genova, Auditorium Montale fo the Teatro Carlo Felice 14.01.2003 - 4 roles, 6 instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, percussion, piano) - 60’


4. IL CIRCO D’EMPOLI  (The Empoli's Circus) Opera for children libretto Roberto Piumini, direction and scenic elements Damiano Michieletto. Commission Centro Studi Ferruccio Busoni. First: Empoli, Palazzo delle Esposizioni  19.03.2004 - 18 roles, children's choir, youg choir, 8 instruments (2 flutes, clarinett, bass clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano) - 60’

5.  IL MALAFIATO Opera for children libretto  Roberto Piumini, scenes Lele Luzzati, costumes Paolo Rovati, director Giovanna Maresta, commission Teatro Fraschini - Istituto Vittadini Pavia. First: Pavia, Auditorium Vittadini 28.05.2005 - 13 roles, children's choir, 10 instruments (flute, clarinet, sax, trunpet, string quintet, piano)   80’  

new version 2012 for youg voices three instruments (C and G flute, clarinet and bass clarinet, piano), scenes  Valentina Persico director Patrizia Ercole, GVE singers conductor Roberta Paraninfo.   Commission Fondazione Teatro Carlo Felice. Prima: Genova, Auditorium Montale of the Teatro Carlo Felice 27.03.2012   70' 


6. ALICE  Opera for children from Lewis Carrol  libretto and director Andrea Nicolini, scenes and costumes Guido Fiorato. Commission Teatro Carlo Felice. First: Genova, Auditorium Montale of the Teatro Carlo Felice 25.11.2005 - 4 roles (Alice is youg voice), 5 instruments (flute, bass clarinet, violin, piano) -  50’

7. I MUSICANTI DI BREMA  The Brema's musicians Opera for children, libretto Roberto Piumini from Grimm, scenes Giulia De Mari, costumes Silvia Fantini, director Marco Carniti, conductor Erasmo Gaudiomonte. Commission Accademia Filarmonica Romana. First: Roma Sala Casella 03.05.06 reprise 24.03.07 - 8 roles youg voices, children's choir, 11 instruments (flute and piccolo, bass clarinet, trumpet, string orchestra, piano, 2 percussions)  – 55’

New staging Venezia La Fenice Teatro Malibran 27.02.08 - director Stefano Patarino, conductor Mauro Roveri. Ripresa 14.12.10 in collaboration with the Conservatorio di Adria  conductor  Roberto Gottipavero 

New orchestration and setup with the title: L'orquestra dels animals 05.05.11 e 03.05.12 conductor Elisenda Carrasco, director Anna Llopart, production Gran Teatre de Liceu y Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya

New setup: L'orquestra dels animals 12.04.16 e 04.04.17 conductor Jordi Coll, director Ada Andrés, coordination Cristina Gonzàles Alsina,  production Kursaal Manresa

"...letteralmente entusiasmante"  (Carla Moreni - Il Sole 24 ore)   "...literally exciting"

"La musica diventa allora una sorta di freireiana pedagogia della liberazione che fa ritrovare all’asino, al gatto, al cane e al gallo un’occasione di riscatto e di senso esistenziale. Le memorie mozartiane e bachiane presenti nella partitura di Andrea Basevi incrociano riferimenti ai capolavori musicali per l’infanzia elaborati da Britten, Prokovef e Strawinskij e si mescolano con eleganza a tratti jazzistici e talvolta a rievocazioni popolari. Particolarmente suggestiva la trama vocale che lega tra loro gli otto solisti, suddivisi in due gruppi – animali e briganti – e l’intreccio tra protagonisti e coro, spesso chiamato ad intervenire per commentare e aiutare lo svolgersi dell’azione." (Letizia Michielon - Il gazzettino)

The music then becomes a sort of Freireian pedagogy of liberation which allows the donkey, the cat, the dog and the rooster to find an opportunity for redemption and existential meaning. The Mozartian and Bachian memories present in Andrea Basevi's score intersect references to the musical masterpieces for children developed by Britten, Prokovef and Stravinsky and mix elegantly with jazz features and sometimes with popular re-enactments. The vocal plot that links the eight soloists, divided into two groups - animals and brigands - is particularly evocative. and the intertwining between the protagonists and the choir, often called upon to intervene to comment and help the action unfold." (Letizia Michielon - Il gazzettino)

8. TOTO’ SAPORE chamber opera of the gastronomic-philosophical fairy tale "The Prisoner Cook" by Roberto Piumini, whit 18 songs and 9 roles, scenes by the tooling laboratory of Teatro Carlo Felice,scenographic design and costumesLaboratorio Fulmicotone, director Patrizia Ercole, with Roberto Piumini in the role of King Borbone, Genova Vocal Ensemble directed by Roberta Paraninfo,   flute G. Nicolini, guitar F. Giudice,  piano R. Paraninfo. First: Genova, Auditorium Montale of the Teatro Carlo Felice 1.12.09, Torino Festival MITO 18.09.10 - 50’

9. L' OPERINA DELLA LUCE The litle opera of the light, the physics of light explained to children (and not only). Chamber opera by  Roberto Piumini, with four songs, 2 roles, idea and direction Liliana Iadeluca, actor Mauro Parrinello, singer Eugenia Amisano,  flute Gianluca Nicolini, bass clarinet Rocco Parisi, marimba Federico Gado. Commission GOG Giovane Orchestra Genovese for the Festival della scienza. First: Genova, Sala Campana Teatro della Tosse 22.10.13  - 45'   Other performances: Firenze Teatro Verdi march '16, production ORT

9. FOODY COME NATURA VUOLE  Foody as Nature wants Opera dedicated to food text by Roberto Piumini, with 15 roles treble voices, soprano, baritone or tenor and youth orchestra (3 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, sax A, fg, 2 tr, 2 trb, 2 perc, harp, piano,strings. Commission Nemogeie and Regione Liguria. First: Genova 1.10.15  Orchestra Giovanile Regionale del Conservatorio Paganini dir. Vittorio Marchese, soloists from Giovani Cantori dell'Accademia Vocale di Genova - Chiavari Teatro Cantero 2.10 - Milano Auditorium Orchestra Verdi 19.10   Book and Score for piano and voices Edit by Sillabe

10. IL SOLDATINO DI STAGNO The tin Soldier Musical fairy tale for orchestra (fl. ob. cl. bs. tr. perc. strings) or solo piano and narrator. Libretto Patrizia Ercole from Andersen. First: version with  piano: Pisa I concerti della Normale piano Gaia Anselmo 21.10.19, Version with orchester: Firenze ORT seasons,  acting role Riccardo Massai, conductor Sara Caneva 10.12.19. Edicion Sillabe score, spartito and book with text

11. L'UOMO CHE PIANTAVA GLI ALBERI The man who planted trees from the story by Jean Giono for string quartet and narrator. The music alone has the title ALBERI. Work inspired by the drawings of Tullio Pericoli projected during the story, directed by Patrizia Ercole.  First: Roma I Giardini della Filarmonica Sala Casella Sting Quartet from Scuola di Fiesole, acting role Edoardo Rosadini 20.09.20. Other executions: Nannerl quartet, acting roles Andrea Nicolini Genova Teatro della Tosse xx.xx.22.  The music performed by the two quartets can be listened to with the QR code in the book "L'uomo che piantava gli alberi" con i disegni di Tullio Pericoli  Salani editions 2023.