
Please note that some of the PDFs provided below are of draft versions.

Work in progress:

"External  Differentiation and EU Trade Policy"

"Mobilization of the losers: Firm lobbying in the EU" (with Leonardo Baccini and Niccolo Bonifai)

"Business versus citizens: Ideology, electoral incentives, and legislators’ responsiveness in trade policy"  (with Robert Huber and Gemma Mateo)

"Sanction Shocks, Economic Integration, and Military Spending" (with Yuleng Zeng)

"A Fair Deal: Gains, Losses, and Individual Attitudes Towards Trade Agreements" (with Stefan Hee and Robert Huber)

"Humans versus computer: manual and computational estimates of latent traits in preferential trade agreements" (with Lisa Lechner)

"Joint Bodies in Preferential Trade Agreements: Why are some stronger than others?" (with Markus Gastinger)


3. The Political Influence of Business in the European Union (University of Michigan Press, 2019) (with Patrick Bernhagen and David Marshall) (Introduction)

2. Insiders versus Outsiders: Interest Groups in Multilevel Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) (with Gemma Mateo).

Edited volumes:

11. Reacting to the Politicization of Trade Policy, Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 31 (2024), No. 1 (co-edited with Dirk De Bièvre and Scott Hamilton).

10. Key Controversies in European Integration, 3rd edition (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2021) (co-edited with Hubert Zimmermann).

9. The Political Economy of the European Union, Special Issue of the Review of International Organizations (2020) (co-edited with Christoph Moser and Gabriele Spilker).

8. EU Trade Policy, Virtual Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy (2017).

7. Trade Cooperation: The Purpose, Design and Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014) (co-edited with Manfred Elsig). Table of contents.

6. Key Controversies in European Integration, 2nd edition (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2016) (co-edited with Hubert Zimmermann).

5. Key Controversies in European Integration (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2012) (co-edited with Hubert Zimmermann).

4. The EU’s Foreign Economic Policies: A Principal Agent Perspective, Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, Routledge, Vol. 18 (2011), No. 3 (co-edited with Manfred Elsig).

3. Negotiation Theory and the EU: The State of the Art, Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, Routledge, Vol. 17 (2010), No. 5 (co-edited with Gemma Mateo and Daniel Thomas).

2. The EU in International Trade Negotiations, Special Issue of the Journal of Common Market Studies, Blackwell, Vol. 45 (2007), No. 4 (November) (co-edited with Hubert Zimmermann).

Journal articles:

58. "It's Trade, Stupid! How Changes in Trade Competitiveness Matter for Incumbents' Vote Shares", European Journal of Political Research (2024) (with Robert Huber and Yannick Stiller).

57. "Trade Competitiveness, Constituency Interests, and Legislators’ Attitudes Towards Trade Agreements", Legislative Studies Quarterly Vol. 49 (2024), No. 2, 353-382 (with Robert Huber and Yannick Stiller).

56. "Measuring Subnational Trade Competitiveness", Scientific Data Vol. 10 (2023), No. 331 (with Robert Huber and Yannick Stiller).

55. "Winners and losers from trade agreements: Stock market reactions to TPP and TTIP", Politics and Governance Vol. 11 (2023), No. 4, 200-211 (with Lisa Lechner)

54. "Lobbying in the Face of Politicisation: Interest Group Strategies in Trade Policy", Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 31 (2024), No. 1, 212-238 (with Gemma Mateo).

53. "Reacting to the Politicization of Trade Policy", Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 31 (2024), No. 1, 1-19 (with Scott Hamilton and Dirk De Bièvre).

52. "Interest Group Preferences towards Trade Agreements: Institutional Design Matters", Interest Groups & Advocacy Vol. 12 (2022), No.1, 48-72 (with Robert A. Huber, Gemma Mateo, and Gabriele Spilker)

51. "Spinning a global web of EU external relations: How the EU establishes stronger joint bodies where they matter most", Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 30 (2023), No. 6, 1072-1091 (with Markus Gastinger).

50. "Education and Trade Attitudes: Revisiting the Role of Economic Interest", World Trade Review Vol. 21 (2022), No. 4, 497-511  (with Robert A. Huber and Yannick Stiller).

49. "Power and Innovative Capacity: Explaining Variation in Intellectual Property Rights Regulation across Trade Agreements", International Interactions Vol. 48 (2022), No. 1 (with Christoph Mödlhamer).

48. "Joint Bodies in the EU's International Agreements: Delegating Powers to the European Commission in EU External Relations", European Union Politics Vol. 22 (2021), No. 4, 611–630 (with Markus Gastinger).

47. "Elite cueing and attitudes towards trade agreements: The case of TTIP", European Political Science Review (2020) (with Bernd Schlipphak).

46. "The Political Economy of the European Union", Review of International Organizations Vol. 15 (2020), No. 3, 561-572 (with Christoph Moser and Gabriele Spilker).

45. "Trade Policy in a 'GVC World': Multinational Corporations and Trade Liberalization", Business and Politics (2020) (with Christina Anderer and Lisa Lechner).

44. "Global Value Chains, the Anti-Globalization Backlash, and EU Trade Policy: A Research Agenda", Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 27 (2020), No. 6 (with Jappe Eckhardt and Arlo Poletti).

43. "Global value chains and product differentiation: Changing the politics of trade", Global Policy Vol. 9 (2018), No. S2, 49-57 (with Leonardo Baccini).

42. "How interest groups influence public opinion: Arguments matter more than the sources", European Journal of Political Research (2018).

41. "Protecting labor rights in preferential trade agreements: the role of left governments and trade unions", Review of International Organizations Vol. 13 (2018), No. 2, 143-162 (with Damian Raess and Dora Sari).

40. "Mapping the trade and environment nexus: Insights from a new dataset", Global Environmental Politics Vol. 18 (2018), No. 1 (with Lisa Lechner and Jean-Frédéric Morin).

39. "Intra-industry trade, global value chains and preferential tariff liberalization", International Studies Quarterly (2018) (with Leonardo Baccini and Manfred Elsig).

38. "The Political Salience of EU Policies", Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 25 (2018), No. 11, 1726-1737 (with Jan Beyers and Arndt Wonka).

37. "Information or Context: What Accounts for Positional Proximity between the European Commission and Lobbyists?", Journal of European Public Policy (2015) (with Patrick Bernhagen and David Marshall).

36. "Interest group success in the European Union: When (and why) does business lose?", Comparative Political Studies (2015) (with Patrick Bernhagen and David Marshall).

35. "The Politics of Trade Agreement Design: Revisiting the Depth-Flexibility Nexus", International Studies Quarterly (2015) (with Leonardo Baccini and Manfred Elsig).

34. "The Europeanization of National Interest Groups", European Union Politics Vol. 15 (2014), No. 4 (with Gemma Mateo).

33. "Public Opinion and Interest Group Influence: How Citizen Groups Derailed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement", Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 21 (2014), No. 8, 1199-1217 (with Gemma Mateo).

32. "Policy-centred sampling in interest group research: Lessons from the INTEREURO project", Interest Groups and Advocacy Vol. 3 (2014), No. 2, 160-73 (with Jan Beyers, David Marshall and Arndt Wonka).

31. "Measuring Interest Group Success Spatially", Interest Groups and Advocacy Vol. 3 (2014), No. 2 (with Patrick Bernhagen and David Marshall).

30. "The INTEREURO Project: Logic and Structure", Interest Groups and Advocacy Vol. 3 (2014), No. 2 (with Jan Beyers, Laura Chaqués Bonafont et al.).

29. "Investment Discrimination and the Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements", Journal of Conflict Resolution (2014) (with Leonardo Baccini).

28. "The Design of International Trade Agreements: Introducing a New Database", Review of International Organizations Vol. 9 (2014), No. 3, 353-375 (with Leonardo Baccini and Manfred Elsig).

27. "Ratifying International Treaties by Referendum: The Case of the EU's Constitutional Treaty", Political Science Research & Methods Vol. 1 (2013), No. 2, 179-200 (with Nikitas Konstantinidis). 

26. "Gaining Access or Going Public? Interest Group Strategies in Five European Countries", European Journal of Political Research Vol. 52 (2013), No. 5, 660-86 (with Gemma Mateo). 

25. "Who Lobbies the European Union? National Interest Groups in a Multilevel Polity", Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 19 (2012), No. 7 (with Gemma Mateo).

24. "Rational Choice: Ein kritisches Plädoyer für Theorien der rationalen Entscheidung", Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Vol. 41 (2012), No. 1, 73-83. 

23. "The New Regionalism and Policy Interdependence", British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 42 (2012), No. 1 (with Leonardo Baccini). (Copyright Cambridge University Press,

22. “To Call or Not to Call: Political Parties and Referendums on the EU’s Constitutional Treaty”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 44 (2011), No. 4, 468-92 (with Gemma Mateo). 

21. "Fortress Europe or Liberal Europe? The Single Market Programme and the EU’s External Trade Policy", Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 18 (2011), No. 5.

20. "Principals, Agents, and the EU’s Foreign Economic Policies", Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 18 (2011), No. 3 (with Manfred Elsig).

19. “Irish Associations and Lobbying on EU Legislation: Resources, Access Points, and Strategies”, Irish Political Studies, Vol. 25 (2010), No. 1, 107-22 (with Gemma Mateo).

18. “Choosing a Bargaining Strategy in EU Negotiations: Power, Preferences, and Culture”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 17 (2010), (with Gemma Mateo).

17. “Negotiation Theory and the EU: The State of the Art”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 17 (2010), No.5 (with Gemma Mateo and Daniel Thomas).

16. "Bargaining Power and Negotiation Tactics: The Negotiations on the EU’s Financial Perspective, 2007-13”, Journal of Common Market Studies (2010).

15. “The Irish EU Presidency and the Constitutional Treaty: Neutrality, Skills, and Effective Mediation”, Irish Political Studies, Vol. 23 (2008), No. 1, 59-76 (with Gemma Mateo).

14. “Bargaining Power and Trade Liberalization: European External Trade Policies in the 1960s”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 14 (2008), No. 4.

13. "Bringing Economic Interests Back into the Study of EU Trade Policy-Making", British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 10 (2008), No. 1, 27-45.

12. “Interest Groups in the EU: How Powerful Are They”, West European Politics, Vol. 31 (2008), No. 6.

11. “Measuring Interest Group Influence in the EU: A Note on Methodology”, European Union Politics, Vol. 9 (2008), No. 4.

10. “EU Trade Policy as Protection for Exporters: The Agreements with Mexico and Chile”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45 (2007), No. 4, 833-55.

9. “Introduction: The EU in International Trade Negotiations”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45 (2007), No. 4, 771-87 (with Hubert Zimmermann).

8. “Foreign Discrimination, Protection for Exporters, and U.S. Trade Liberalization”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 51 (2007), No. 2, 457-80.

7. “Inclusion without Influence: NGOs in European Trade Policy”, Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 27 (2007), No. 1, 79-101 (principal author, with Dirk De Bièvre).

6. “The Question of Interest Group Influence”, Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 27 (2007), No. 1, 1-12 (principal author, with Dirk De Bièvre).

5. “Bargaining Efficiency in Intergovernmental Negotiations in the EU: Treaty of Nice versus Constitutional Treaty”, Journal of European Integration Vol. 28 (2006), No. 4, 381-98 (with Gemma Mateo).

4. “Assessing the EU’s Role in International Trade Negotiations”, European Political Science, Vol. 5 (2006), No. 4, 362-75.

3. “Constituency Interests and Delegation in European and American Trade Policy", Comparative Political Studies Vol. 38 (2005), No. 10, 1271-96 (with Dirk De Bièvre).

2. “Conflict Resolution in Transatlantic Economic Relations: What Can We Learn from the Early 1970s?” BC Journal of International Affairs (2005), 57-68.

Book chapters:

24. Preferences for Trading Partners: Evidence from Legislators and Citizens in Latin America , in Manfred Elsig et al. (eds) (2023) Economic Globalization on the Move: Design, Impact and Perceptions of Latin American Trade and Investment Agreements (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). .

23. “Internationale Handelspolitik”, in Karsten Mause et al. (eds) (2023) Politik und Wirtschaft: Ein integratives Kompendium (Springer) (with Harald Oberhofer).

22. Internationaler Handel, in Andreas Busch et al. (eds) De-Globalisierung: State of the Art (2022) (Baden-Baden: Nomos).

21. “Introduction: Key Controversies in European Integration”, in Hubert Zimmermann and Andreas Dür (eds) (2021) Key Controversies in European Integration, 3rd ed. (London: Red Globe Press), xix-xxvii (with Hubert Zimmermann).

20. “Los grupos de interés en la Unión Europea”, in Luis Bouza and Cristina Ares (eds) (2018) Análisis de la UE en un contexto cambiante (Madrid: CIS) (with Gemma Mateo).

19. “Introduction: Key Controversies in European Integration”, in Hubert Zimmermann and Andreas Dür (eds) (2016) Key Controversies in European Integration, 2nd ed. (London: Palgrave), 1-9 (with Hubert Zimmermann).

18. "International Trade: Commercial Policy and Trade Negotiations", in James Wright (ed.) (2015) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (Oxford: Elsevier), 568-73.

17. "Perspectiva comparada en el estudio de grupos de interés", in Iván Medina, Joaquím Molins and Luz Muñoz Marquez (eds) (2015) Los grupos de interés en España: Organización, institucionalización y estrategias de influencia (Madrid: Tecnos) (with Gemma Mateo).

16. "Business Interests and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership", in Mario Telò, Frederik Ponjaert and Jean-Frédéric Morin (eds) (2014) The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in a Multipolar World (Aldershot: Ashgate) (with Lisa Lechner).

15. "Imitation and Innovation in International Governance: The Diffusion of Trade Agreement Design", in Andreas Dür and Manfred Elsig (eds) (2014) Trade Cooperation: The Purpose, Design and Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (with Leonardo Baccini and Yoram Haftel).

14. "Introduction: The Purpose, Design and Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements", in Andreas Dür and Manfred Elsig (eds) (2014) Trade Cooperation: The Purpose, Design and Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (with Manfred Elsig).

13. "Why Interest Groups Dominate the EU's Foreign Economic Policies", in Hubert Zimmermann and Andreas Dür (eds.) (2012) Key Controversies in European Integration (Houndmills: Palgrave).

12. “Introduction: Key Controversies in European Integration”, in Hubert Zimmermann and Andreas Dür (eds) (2012) Key Controversies in European Integration (Houndmills: Palgrave) (co-authored with Hubert Zimmermann).

11. “Conclusion”, in Hubert Zimmermann and Andreas Dür (eds) (2012) Key Controversies in European Integration (Houndmills: Palgrave).

10. “The EU’s Foreign Economic Policy: Limits to Delegation”, in Jeremy Richardson (ed.) (2012) Constructing a Policy-making State? Policy Dynamics in the European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

9. “How to Assess Power and Influence in EU Politics”, in Jan Beyers et al. (eds.) (2009) Interest Group Politics in Europe: Lessons from EU Studies and Comparative Politics (London: Routledge).

8. “The Irish Presidency: Neutrality, Skills, and Effective Mediation”, in Finn Laursen (ed.) (2008) The Rise and Fall of the EU’s Constitutional Treaty (Leiden: Nijhoff/Brill) (co-authored with Gemma Mateo).

7. “How Much Influence Do Interest Groups Have in the EU: Some Methodological Considerations”, in Beate Kohler-Koch, Dirk De Bièvre and William Maloney (eds) (2008) Opening EU Governance to Civil Society – Gains and Challenges, CONNEX Report Series, Vol. 5, 45-67.

6. “Regionalism in the World Economy: Building Block or Stumbling Stone forGlobalization?”, in Stefan Schirm (ed.) (2007) Globalization: State of the Art and Perspectives (London: Routledge), 183-99.

5. “Avoiding Deadlock in European Trade Policy: Veto Players and Issue Linkages”, forthcoming in Dirk De Bièvre and Christine Neuhold (eds.) (2007) Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), 97-116.

4. “Discriminating Among Rival Explanations: Some Tools for Small-N Researchers”, in Thomas Gschwendt and Frank Schimmelfennig (eds.) (2007) Research Design in Political Science: How to Practice What They Preach? (Houndmills: Palgrave), 183-200.

3. "Einige Anregungen zur Auswahlzwischen konkurrierenden Erklärungsansätzen in y-zentrierter Forschung”, in Thomas Gschwendt und Frank Schimmelfennig (Hrsg.) (2007) Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft (Frankfurt: Campus), 281-302.

2. “Regionalismus in der Weltwirtschaft: Baustein oder Stolperstein für Globalisierung?”, in Stefan Schirm (Hrsg.) (2006) Globalisierung: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 215-33.


"International trade", entry for the Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations (2023).

Review of Mansfield and Milner (2012) Votes, Vetoes and the Political Economy of International Trade Agreements (Princeton University Press), in Perspectives on Politics (2013).

“Trade Liberalization”, in Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino (eds) (2011) International Encyclopaedia of Political Science (London: Sage).

Working papers (not published in other form):

"Trade Survey with Parliamentarians: Summary for Respondents", 2022 (with Robert A. Huber, Gemma Mateo, and Yannick Stiller) 

"Trade Negotiation Survey: Key Findings", 2019 (with Gemma Mateo and Christina Anderer)

"Interest group strategies: Report from a survey", 2014 (with Gemma Mateo).

"Die politischen Aktivitäten österreichischer Verbände: Resultate einer Umfrage", 2011 (with Gemma Mateo).

"Die politischen Aktivitäten deutscher Verbände: Resultate einer Umfrage", 2011 (with Gemma Mateo).

"La actividad política de las asociaciones espanolas: resultados de una encuesta" (with Gemma Mateo).

"The Design of Preferential Trade Agreements: A New Dataset in the Making", WTO working paper, 2011 (with Leonardo Baccini, Manfred Elsig and Karolina Milewicz)

“Lobbying by Irish Associations on EU Legislation: Findings from a Survey”, Dublin European Institute, working paper No. 11/2009 (co-authored with Gemma Mateo).

“Más hombres ciegos y más elefantes? Una revisión de la literature más reciente sobre la integración europea” [More Blind Men and More Elephants? Reviewing the Most Recent Literature on European Integration], working paper at the Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials (ICPS) No. 233/2004 (co-authored with Gemma Mateo).

Theorizing the Contagious Effects of Regionalism: European Integration and Transatlantic Trade Relations, 1957-1963”. EUI working paper, Department of Social and Political Sciences No. 8/2003.

Reports (not published in other form):

“Internal Coordination on EU Policy-Making: Processes and Structures in Five EU Member States”. Report based on a project financed by the Austrian Federal Chancellor's Office, 2010 (together with Sonja Puntscher Riekmann).