
Datasets produced as part of my research (see also the replication archives for individual articles under "Publications"):

Data on subnational trade competitiveness (data for 6,475 regions across 63 countries and over a time period of 21 years )

Data for The Political Influence of Business in the European Union (University of Michigan Press, 2019) (with Patrick Bernhagen and David Marshall)

Data for "Protecting labor rights in preferential trade agreements: the role of left governments and trade unions", Review of International Organizations (2018) (with Damian Raess and Dora Sari)

Data for "Mapping the trade and environment nexus: Insights from a new dataset", Global Environmental Politics (2018) (with Jean-Frédéric Morin and Lisa Lechner) 

Data for "The Political Salience of EU Policies", Journal of European Public Policy (2017) (with Jan Beyers and Arndt Wonka).

Data for Insiders versus Outsiders: Interest Group Politics in Multilevel Europe, Oxford University Press (2016) (with Gemma Mateo).

Data for "Interest Group Success in the European Union: When (and Why) Does Business Lose?", Comparative Political Studies (2015) (with Patrick Bernhagen and David Marshall).

Data for "The design of international trade agreements: Introducing a new dataset", Review of International Organizations (2014) (with Leonardo Baccini and Manfred Elsig).

Data for "The Europeanization of Interest Groups", European Union Politics (2014) (with Gemma Mateo).

Data for "Investment Discrimination and the Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements", Journal of Conflict Resolution (2014) (with Leonardo Baccini).

Data for "Ratifying International Treaties by Referendum: The Case of the EU's Constitutional Treaty", Political Science Research & Methods (2013) (with Nikitas Konstantinidis).

Data for "The New Regionalism and Policy Interdependence", British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 42 (2012), No. 1 (with Leonardo Baccini).

Data from Design of Trade Areements (DESTA) project