
DiskOnChip Linux Install HOWTO

This document describes how I install and boot a Linux kernel image from an M-Systems DiskOnChip 2000. Essentially, I create a bootable floppy disk with the M-Systems DiskOnChip TrueFFS DOS utilities to format, partition and create a FAT file system on the DiskOnChip, and with Syslinux, to be installed as the DiskOnChip bootloader, and another bootable floppy disk with the Linux kernel image to copy to the DiskOnChip.

    1. Format floppy disk:

      1. # fdformat /dev/fd0

    2. Write FreeDOS Ripcord OEM bootdisk image to floppy disk:

      1. # gunzip FDOEM.144.gz # dd if=FDOEM.144 of=/dev/fd0

    3. Copy syslinux and M-Systems DiskOnChip TrueFFS 5.1.4 DOS utilities to bootdisk:

      1. # mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt # cp syslinux-3.51/dos/ /mnt # cp tffs-5.1.4/doc514.exb /mnt # cp tffs-5.1.4/doc514p.exb /mnt # cp tffs-5.1.4/dinfo.exe /mnt # cp tffs-5.1.4/dformat.exe /mnt # cp tffs-5.1.4/putimage.exe /mnt # cp tffs-5.1.4/getimage.exe /mnt # umount /mnt

    4. Boot from this floppy disk.

    5. Format, partition and create FAT file system on the DiskOnChip (replace d000 with the address of your DiskOnChip):

      1. A:\> dformat /win:d000 /s:doc514.exb /ebda /y

    6. Reboot from this floppy disk again.

    7. Install syslinux on the DiskOnChip:

      1. A:\> syslinux c:

    8. Create a second bootable floppy disk, this one to carry your custom, standalone, initramfs enabled Linux kernel image (perhaps with my Linux 2.6 doc2000 patch ;-) For some reason, the syslinux I use refuses to load the default linux file unless it is explicitly told so in the syslinux.cfg file. Repeat steps 1 and 2, then:

      1. # mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt # echo 'default linux' > /mnt/syslinux.cfg # cp linux-x.y.z/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /mnt/linux # umount /mnt

    9. Boot from this second floppy disk.

    10. Copy syslinux.cfg and the Linux kernel image to the DiskOnChip:

      1. A:\> copy syslinux.cfg c: A:\> copy linux c:

    11. Boot DiskOnChip!

That's it, I hope it works for you too!

Sep 10 2007

Andre B. Oliveira